
Saturday, July 28, 2012

17 weeks!!

"My how your baby has grown! She's about the size of your palm, weighs about five ounces, and is developing some body fat (join the club, baby!). Her heart is now regulated by her brain (no more random beats) to beat 140 to 150 times per minute — about twice as fast as yours! What else is up? She’s practicing the survival skills she’ll need at birth — like sucking and swallowing."

How far along? 17 weeks already! Holey Moley!!

Maternity clothes? Nope, but I'm practically living every single day in the stretchiest pants ever that I just found buried in my closet lol

 Stretch marks? Nada!

Sleep: Pretty good! I am finally able to sleep past 10-- huzzah!! Still getting up in the middle of the night buuut that's okay.

Best moment this week: The victorious moments when we actually feel like we've made some progress moving haha! Also the olympics opener and getting Castle seasons 2 and 3 in the mail hehe :)

Miss Anything? Cider. Sushi. I feel like this will be my answer every week. I DID however find a veggie sandwich that is almost an PERFECT substitute for a Boney Billy, so I feel better on that account :)

Showing Yet? I think it is safe to say that I am! I pretty much just look chubby, but at least I know it's baby in there haha

Movement: I don't think so. I'm being hypersensitive about all movement/ feelings in my tummy though so hopefully soon!

Food cravings: Nothing particular, just random cravings. Thanks to another blogger I have enjoyed two apples dipped in cream cheese frosting lately. And I hoard the pickles from Jesse lol

 Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really...

Gender Prediction: Still feeling like it's a mister.

Symptoms: Restroom breaks, starting to get a tiny bit of lower back ache.... round ligament stretching and feeling like my stomach is too full.

Belly Button in or out? IN

Wedding rings on or off? ON

 Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Though today has been terrible for my temper-- it seems that today is piss of Megan day-- thank goodness for the dancers, especially JD and Lindsey for cracking me up like a bazillion times haha

Looking forward to: Feeling baby move and KNOWING it for sure haha! Also being moved. That will be blissful!

Sooooo we've got another room or two to pack and then we will be moved!! After moving the furniture of course haha! We will be living with my mom for about 3 weeks before sayin goodbye to MN!! We're planning a tiny road trip out to Wright and St. Cloud next week and I'm excited that Jesse gets to see his bestie and parents an extra time before we leave! :)

In other news, the show rehearsals are going well, but I can't wait to be done with it-- I always forget how stressful it is!! X-P

Weeeelllll, ta ta for now!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Baby's first photos :)

Ultrasound pics!!!!

Isn't he or she a cutie?? ;)


"Your baby now weighs in at a whopping three to five ounces, and he's four to five inches in length. The bones that are now in place in his ears means he can probably hear your voice as you talk to your partner and pals and sing in the car. While he’s getting used to your voice, the tiny muscles in his body, especially the ones in his back, are gaining strength, so he can straighten out a little more. And thanks to his developing facial muscles, your baby is capable of making a few expressive frowns and squints, even at this early stage. (Don’t worry, those frowns have nothing to do with the sound of your voice!) And his eyes are finally working, making small side-to-side movements and perceiving light (although the eyelids are still sealed)."

...SOOOOOOOOO.... We had our first Ultrasound and exam today and found out we are actually at 16 weeks and 6 days rather than 14 weeks and 4 days. So baby's new due date is DECEMBER 29TH!

How far along? Apparently almost 17weeks now!! Whoa!
Maternity clothes?  Nope, just comfy stuff!
 Stretch marks? Nada
Sleep: Good, usually still get up once in the night to use the restroom though lol
Best moment this week: Seeing baby!!!!! Jesse and I kept having giggle fits and "Whoa" moments for the rest of the day haha!
Miss Anything?  Yes, still lunchmeat and hard cider....
Showing Yet? Yes, I gots a bump!
Movement: Not that I can feel though baby was pretty active today-- already a dancer ;) and apparently doing a Capoeria block in the womb for a good 15 min or so
Food cravings:  Sweets at the moment, though it's starting to lessen.
 Anything making you queasy or sick:Gross stuff haha
Gender Prediction: Still thinkin it's a boy :)
Symptoms:  Not much, just fatigue mainly.
Belly Button in or out?  IN
Wedding rings on or off? ON
 Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!!! :)
Looking forward to: Baby shower and moving haha!

So I was terrified and anxious as heck for these appointments but it wasn't that bad! The ultrasound took about 45 minutes, and of course since it is our kid, it is already super stubborn-- the tech kept trying to measure it's head but it refused to move no matter how many times she poked, prodded or jiggled it (I told Jesse the whole thing was like getting punched in the stomach slow motion lol). We had the results of the gender sealed, to be revealed at the shower!!!

The exam was a whole lot of answering questions and asking questions and by that time my tummy was growling haha! But the whole thing went pretty fast and went well so that's all good :)

The lab work was pretty normal-- they took 6 vials of blood which wasn't that bad other than tingling in my hand and a sore back of my upper arm for awhile. I also had to do a urine sample which as usual is SUPER fun haha ;) I did have one abnormal thing, but it's very minor and easily treatable so I should be fine in a week with my new prescription :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lucky week #13?

" What's up with your baby? Well, besides being as large as a peach now, that big old noggin of hers is now about half the size of her crown-to-rump length (that’s one reason why your little peach looks more like an alien from outer space at this point). By the time you give birth, her body will catch up, measuring three-quarters of her total size. What else is going on in there? Tiny bones are beginning to form in her arms and legs, the intestines are beginning to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen, and the vocal cords are well under construction (the first step toward saying, "I love you, Mommy!"). And because she can move her arms and legs in a jerky fashion, she may be able to get her thumb into her mouth (a habit that may come in handy for self-soothing when she’s a newborn)." --

How far along? 13-ish weeks... hoping we will know more for sure how far along we are when we finally go in lol
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I'm starting to look around and see what sort of things I like.

Sleep: Good-- only got up once last night, but it's been so hot I usually can't fall asleep for what feels like ages.

Best moment this week: Today, getting to spend the day with my hubby and have a date night before salsa. Excited for tomorrow night too :)

Miss Anything?  The usual... hard cider, lunchmeat, sushi, smoked salmon... sad that I can't do pilates core workouts really anymore. Oh and this just in... if my burger is even slightly pink it makes my stomach churn to the point that I can't eat it. Sigh. The sucky part is I like red meat rare... ohhh well.

Showing Yet? Still only slightly. Jesse announced this morning while examining my little bump that the birth line or whatever it's called is starting to just be visible, so that's something haha

Movement: Nope, not yet-- can't wait for that though!

Food cravings:  FRUIT, strawberries and bananas especially but ANYTHING sounds good.

 Anything making you queasy or sick: rare meat, and anything that is gory looking or sounding.

Gender Prediction: Boy. We've just realized we have started saying "he" when we talk about baby, lol it'll be a shock if it ends up being a girl haha!
Symptoms:  Lately, just fatigue. Still an occasional bout of nausea, but everything else seems to subsiding lately. Though I have had headaches the past few days... not sure if it's cuz I'm also getting over a cold or cuz of baby but either way it sucks, and I had wayyyy too much tylenol yesterday for my own or Jesse's liking :-S

Belly Button in or out? IN

Wedding rings on or off? ON
 Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Though boy do I have a short fuse some days lol, luckily I get over it pretty fast most times. And I still cry at the drop of a hat. I re-read the Hunger Games books recently... think I cried about 20 times during it lol

Looking forward to: Feeling baby move :)

We have been starting to talk about shower plans with my mom... only starting, but we will be sure to start getting addresses soon so we can send invites! Unfortunately since we are moving so soon, the shower is gonna happen at 20 weeks which seems ridiculously early, but we don't really have another choice later on haha...

We just registered at the one physical store we are going to, otherwise we're doing a registry-- so nice! It IS crazy though how much stuff a little person requires! I keep thinking "Do we REALLY need this"? But it seems like a lot of it we either do, or it will make life a LOT easier. Sigh. 

In other news, I wish I could draw better and post a picture of what the nursery will look like! For now, here is an idea of what sort of things will be going into it:

Hanging somewhere... not 100% sure where yet

Also hanging-- perhaps above the elephant shelf I'm planning above the changing table? Lol so obsessed...

Fabric I'm going to make into crib sheets


Thinking this would be cute in there, like above the crib in the room corner?

Hung above crib


Shelf somewhere...maybe on elephant shelf

Pretty much all these "accessories", plus the crib style

Glider where I will spend the bulk of my time cuddling and obsessing over baby haha

Changing table organization... but different wipe box.

Possible changing table

Nightlight! Behind the dresser or something so it's not too bright.


12 weeks = 3 months!!

"By now, your baby weighs a full half-ounce and is about the size of a large plum. Most of his systems are in place, though there's still plenty of maturing to do. For one thing, his fetal digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements necessary for eating, and his bone marrow is busy making white blood cells — weapons against germs once he's out of your safe haven. The pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) has started producing the hormones that'll enable him (or her) to make babies of his (or her) own in a couple of decades or so."

How far along? 12 weeks!! Holy cow the past 3 months flew by!

Maternity clothes? Nope, still comfy clothes. I've started unbuttoning the top button of my jeans when I sit for a long time tho cuz the button starts to press uncomfortably on my tiny baby bump lol

Sleep: Good! Usually only get up once during the night now.

Best moment this week: First getting home with my hubby :)


Showing Yet? Still only a teensy bit. Still got my cravings pooch tho haha

Movement: None yet!

Food cravings:  Fruit, and anything spicy. Plus pickles are high on my list. Did I mention I had my first pickles and ice cream fantasy?? I didn't act on it, seemed too scary to actually try. I may have to though at some point haha....

 Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain smells. The sight of the salami at the smokehause. Not eating every so often.

Gender Prediction: Still thinking it's gonna be a boy...maybe I am just resigning to what I think is my fate though haha!

Symptoms: Basically the same as usual. Heart burn is better though. Round Ligament pain (very short episodes) when I overdo it.

Belly Button in or out? IN!

Wedding rings on or off? ON!

 Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!!!

Looking forward to: Feeling baby move and having a noticeable bump... plus finding out what he or she is :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Eleven Weeks!

How far along? 11 weeks, we think. Can't wait to find out more for sure haha!
Maternity clothes? No, though I'm starting to look to get an idea-- I'm thinking dresses, tunic tops and leggings will be my preggo wear.
 Stretch marks? Not 100% sure, but I think I've started a bit wah
Sleep: Good except for all the times I wake up to use the restroom!
Best moment this week: Starting to feel the baby bump, and starting to look at baby stuff moreso. Plus vacationing!
Miss Anything? Hard cider, lunchmeat... SUSHI... Cajun Fin sandwiches...
Showing Yet? Only a bit-- Unless you looked creepily close, you prolly couldn't tell haha
Movement: Not yet!!! So excited for that!
Food cravings:  Random. Seems like these days meat always sounds good. Especially pork. And the past few days I craved seafood so I splurged the other day.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: Being too warm. This trip was great except for when my head started swimming cuz I was too warm.
Gender Prediction: Boy, though I saw a TON of ballerina baby stuff and swooned ;)
Symptoms: LOTS of bathroom breaks, occasional nausea, heartburn almost every night... occasional headache.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
 Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Though when I get moody, watch out! I even scared a TSA security guard the other day lol
Looking forward to: Having a noticeable bump and feelin baby move! :)

...Will post a more thorough blog of our vacation and all that within a few days :) Happy fourth, y'all! :)

p.s. Baby received its first gift from Grandma Jane haha: