
Monday, June 30, 2014

Catching up...

Wow, I had no idea it had been so long since my last post! Anybody else feel like May lasted about a year, and June went by in a blink?? It's nuts.

Well not too terribly much to say, but have a bit of a photo dump to share!

Family photo in front of the Elephants

Andrew LOVED playing in the Kid's splash zone at the zoo! Definitely planning another trip there in the next week or so (with swim suit, haha)

Went to our favorite breakfast place, Brunchies. Andrew had blueberry pancakes, milk and melon

At Family First Sunday at our Church

Playground fun!

Having some giggles on the swings

Father's Day loot! We went to see a couple movies the night before and I cooked him a steak dinner that night :)

Little man is finally beginning to be interested in coloring

And he now loves pushing his toy bus around the floor and table doing his version of "Vroom-vroom"

We've been going to the HCCB Music & More classes, going to the pool at least once or twice a week, Jesse has been working a bunch and it just seems like the days are flying by!

Also, I'm making a Toddler Fashion board on Pinterest! It's all boy stuff so far but check out the few pieces I have if you want! I'll also be posting A's outfits around once or twice a month.
Here's the Pinterest link: Andrew Fashion

Alright, that's all I've got at the moment, TTFN! <3