
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Maybe baby?

So here is the scoop-- my hubby and I got married this past August and have talked for the past 3 years about how much we adore and want kids. We finally decided to go off of the patch and let my body rid itself of chemicals for a while before we started trying.

Well, the other night I was stressing out about when I was supposed to be having my period in May, and decided to take a pregnancy test to 'put my mind at ease' and.....

Long story short, we're preggers!!!
While we weren't really "trying" I know we both couldn't wait to start having a family, so we are both so happy and excited and already love "wee baby schmitt" :)

The night of the first test was hilarious in retrospect. Like I said, I took a test to put my mind at ease and ended up with a positive! I sent a picture to Jesse, while shaking like a leaf and told him I was freaking out. I tried contacting my best friend too but she didn't answer so what was my response? I did the dishes, took a shower, and folded and put away all our clothes. Just as I was finishing and wondering what on earth I could do next to keep myself busy, Jesse burst into the apartment with a white rose in his hand and a huge grin on his face and gave me the biggest hug ever. I instantly felt better, but it wasn't until two days later when the doctor confirmed that my mind actually wrapped itself around the fact and ever since I have been oh-so-happy :)

The day after we found out I started having nausea, which I decided must all be in my head because I wasn't having symptoms before....and then I remembered  that I've been tired and having to pee what seems like every two hours for the past few days and it hit me that there actually was a little baby growing inside me. How crazy is that?!?

I am a bridesmaid in my bestie's wedding this October and we went to find me a dress the other day... the part she had the most fun with? Finding out they had a strap on belly for me to wear as I will be 6 months along by then... that was an....interesting experience... but nonetheless I got my first "pregnant" picture, lol

I have since been posting elephant-related nursery goodies on pinterest like no body's business, haha! I also am drinking ginger ale like it's going out of style and my nose has gone nuts. Luckily, there has been no throwing up yet and the nausea hasn't been toooo bad (knock on wood), but so far the smell of Gyros and scrambled eggs makes my stomach shift in a very bad way.

Naps are my new best friend, too. I can't believe how tired I can get these days. Yesterday we had pizza and after we finished eating I passed out hardcore for two hours. Apparently eating was haaaarrrd work....

As far as missing things go, I have to admit, I am craving a hard cider sooooo freaking bad it's not even funny. I was also pissed to discover non-alcoholic beers have small amounts of alcohol in them. Grrrr. I'm missing boney billys from erbs and gerbs, sushi, turkey sandwiches, cajun fins from the smokehause and being able to stay out of the bathroom for more than a few hours.... BUT it's all worth it. That it my mantra.

And guess what-- Jesse even brought home a tiny stuffed elephant the other day that we decided will be baby's first toy (and yes, it's for all ages). We named him elephant and when we both are laying in bed reading books on pregnancy, he puts him on my stomach and says he's guarding baby. How cute is that??

Well, ttfn folks... will have more later :)


  1. Again SO excited for you too! I can't wait to be an auntie!

  2. How adorable!! :) So excited!! Lol, I am with Jaime! I can wait to some day be the baby's auntie!! Kyle better hurry it up!! Haha Just kidding! :P Love you both! XO

  3. This whole blog is so adorable I just want to cry. Iove you guys!
