How far along? 21 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Not as of yet, though I'm seriously considering a run up to the mall Friday, you know, buy myself a thing or two for my bday gift to moi haha
Stretch marks? No, but man I have had 'growing pains' for the last 48 hours and I'm waiting for those nasty buggers to show up :-/ This is my new favorite photos tho (it makes me feel slightly less worried about it all haha):
Sleep: Sleeping is good again. Still usually get up once in the night but otherwise I'm good :) Getting 8 or more hours almost every night :)
Best moment this week: De-stressing my life!! And getting more done about moving/ scoring another temp gig that will pay for our plane tickets to MN in October.
Miss Anything? Sushi. Just google-mapped our area the other day... there is a suhi joint literally a mile from our community :.( And also really miss the luxury of having a drink when I want one. I'm not the type to get drunk a lot but I do like coming home and mixing a drink on hard/ long/ tiring days. Or being able to have a drink when friends do. Oh well, it's worth it. My mantra is "I could have A drink, or A lunchmeat sandwich or A sushi order, BUT I don't want one bad enough"-- this way I don't feel denied, just feel strong in my will power when I get through another day without breaking down :)
Movement: SO much!!! Baby has this new game where he or she pushes its head into my side, and once I touch the tiny round lump it starts slowly withdrawing haha! It's so strange though feeling all the kicks and swoops and swishes haha, one day I think it was stretching cuz I felt pushing on both sides of my tummy at once-- baby already seems so much like daddy: doing a Capoeria block during Ultrasounds, smacking its lips together (another funny ultrasound moment), stretching, flopping over... ohhh boy haha
Food cravings: Erbs and Gerbs is FINALLY beginning to wane thank goodness. I had a sandwich yesterday and while it was still very yummy, it definitely didn't hit the spot nearly as much as it used to.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada
Have you started to show yet: Yes, although sometimes I feel like I still just look chubby lol
Gender Prediction: Boy
Belly Button in or out? In for now.. but yesterday I suddenly noticed it is a heck of a lot shallower than it used to be. SO CRAZY
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: One happy camper!
Looking forward to: THE BIG MOVE! Only 5 more days til we leave Duluth! We are so going to miss everyone and I am so going to cry my eyes out for the last 4 days of being in the state but I cannot wait for this new adventure!
So today for the first time in 2 months I had COFFEE, also the first time in the same time span I have had caffine, so I've been a bit hyper, and baby seemed to get SUPER active for awhile haha! It was so yummy, and much needed after a rough morning (super sleepy/ immediate headache open opening my eyes)... but now it is goodbye again to all caffine for as long as I can stand it.
I get to have my gestational diabetes screening in 3 weeks, I know-- you are SO jealous you don't get to drink a nasty glucose drink and have blood taken hehe... I've heard horror stories but I've also heard it's not so bad, and I'm not too nervous for the actual screening...just hoping I pass haha. A few family members have diabetes and I have always been too chicken to check my blood sugar level but now I have to face the music if I am! Keeping my fingers crossed and MUCH more aware of every sugary item I consume!
Today I am calling the clinic in Tampa where I think I am gonna go and schedule the screening/ consultation with my new OB and hand off my vast stack of medical records. I also today got my last cleaning at my beloved small-town-feel dentist. I've really loved being a patient there and it makes me kinda sad I have to find a new one now! Just need another cleaning in 6 months, wisdom teeth out as soon as my OB clears it in the spring and I might get some cosmetic stuff done in a year or so depending on what I decide to do.
Well, off to get some more legit temp work done and see about getting electricty at our new place. TTFN! <3
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