
Friday, September 21, 2012

25 weeks!!! And an update or two :)

"Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds, reaching nine inches in length and passing the pound and a half mark. Under his skin, capillaries are forming and filling with blood and by week's end, air sacs (also lined with capillaries) will develop in his lungs, getting them ready for that first breath. Mind you, those lungs aren't ready for prime time just yet — but they are developing surfactant, a substance that will help them expand after birth. And speaking of breathing, your baby's tiny nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open, and his vocal chords are getting ready to roar."

How far along? 25 Weeks, holy geez can't believe we're getting this close already!! :)

Maternity clothes? still wearing most of my old clothes, but the belly band does come in useful with my jeans!! Also got some super 80s maternity wear from my mom haha! Some nice button ups and very comfy shorts and tops :)

Stretch marks? A few, using the cream twice a day but I fear they will be here to stay lol, oh well I guess I am now officially mommy-branded haha...

Sleep: still sleeping great-- even have night where I don't get up until 8 or 9 for the restroom!

Best moment this week: Figuring out how to put the car seat into the stroller lol! 

Miss Anything? Mmmmm hard apple cider!!! And sushi. And lunchmeat! And LAYING ON MY STOMACH!! Ohhhh how I miss that last one!

Movement: all the time, it's fun to see him moving from the outside, or when he is on one side or the other and I look slightly lopsided. He is a strong boy already, sometimes his kicks make me jump!

Food cravings: I swear I have frozen yogurt or ice cream once a day, and apples with caramel dip are becoming more frequent in my diet. Took a blood sugar test for the first time in ages and it was very good so I feel okay about my little indulgences hehe

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, just getting overheated.

Gender: Boy

Symptoms: Less ligament pain than before (knock on wood), but still get the occasional growing pains and definitely getting heartburn still. Tums are awesome :) Also if I reach too far or twist weird I get the creepiest feeling-- like something is pushing through my stomach muscles. It freaks me out!!

Belly Button in or out? Still in surprisingly! I imagine it won't be for MUCH longer though...

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :) Will be happier once we have an income and once baby furniture arrives (which we are hoping to order soon! Just waiting for the glider to be back in stock), but it's really funny that I find myself always cradling and touching my stomach these days-- never thought I'd do that lol

Looking forward to: Furniture, getting Jesse's last paycheck so we have a bit of money around, and buying more baby stuff! Babies R Us is my new favorite place hehe

We've also been slowly acquiring baby goodies, here are some pics!

Folding in baby's room

Sleep sack from Grandma Jane <3

Swaddle pod from Grandma Jane

Sorted all the kid's books we have and these are what we are expecting to use in the next year or so. Plenty of Dr. Seuss, and Golden books and some oldies my mom passed down to me :)

We bought this pack the other day-- love it! Shampoo, soap, diaper cream, lotion, oil....

Got some wipes ready for the warmer when baby gets home

Dishwasher basket 
And here is the newly completed Elephant Shelf!!! :-D

Hoping to order furniture soon, so we will be sure to post before and after pictures of all that jazz too :) We found THE cutest swinger/ bouncer and play pack at Babies R Us, as well as a lot of other super cute touches-- can't wait to have the room completed! <3


  1. I'm going to go ahead and be a dork -- but yay for the J. Skylark elephant things!! So cute, congrats again!! Tara

    1. Hehehe yeah I got excited each time a new elephant thing came in :)
