
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

27 weeks along

"For a baby, it's time to trade in the old crown-to-rump measurement for a new head-to-toe standard. So what are your baby’s stats this week (which, coincidentally, is the end of the second trimester)? Fifteen inches — more than a foot long — and triple (or even quadruple) what it was in week 12. His weight is creeping up the charts as well, coming in at just over two pounds. More big news: Your baby may recognize your voice by now, so feel free to serenade your belly (start learning those lullabies!)."

How far along? 27 Weeks

Maternity clothes? Yeah, the dress I am wearing in this picture, and also got jeans, nightgown and robe, a cute polka dot top, long sleeve top and a dress for my bestie's rehearsal dinner! :) Otherwise I'm totally rocking the PJ shorts and tight tank tops during the day lol

Stretch marks? No new ones!

Sleep: still sleeping great, sometimes I sleep so deep that I don't even wake up to pee! woohoo!!

Best moment this week: So far, talking to someone about insurance and also finding out that our Babies R Us card is beginning to get fixed so hopefully this week we will be able to go buy/ order the rest of the stuff for baby!! :)

Miss Anything? Right now, just laying on my stomach. I miss it SO much!!!

Movement: ALL THE TIME, definitely feeling him quite often and boy is he a strong little guy!!!! It's fun just watching my tummy bounce when he kicks or the strange movement when he pushes out and around. So strange, but so cool!

Food cravings: Still nothing with any consistency  Main thing is a certain food will enter my head and it'll be so clear that I can practically taste it! Sometimes I have to act on those lol

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hamburger. Or burgers unfortunately.

Gender: Boy!!

Symptoms: Heartburn is getting better. The main thing is more back discomfort-- not pain really but sometimes it can get painful.... Otherwise just baby kickin the crap outta me lol

Belly Button in or out? Still hangin on for dear life!

Wedding rings on or off? On, still feelin looser than usual-- strange!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)

Looking forward to: Oh gosh, I cannot WAIT until the last form comes in to apply for insurance, GETTING insurance to go to the doc to test for gestational diabetes and get cleared or not to fly, hopefully visiting friends and fam in MN this month, and Halloween! It'll be a fun night in watching scary movies and hopefully getting some trick-or-treaters :)
