
Saturday, December 8, 2012

36 weeks! AKA NINE MONTHS!!!

"Forget your aching back (and everything else!) by trying to focus on your baby, who is now about six pounds and 20 inches long, with soft bones and cartilage to allow a safer journey through the exit door. Most of his systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though his digestion system — which has done only practice runs so far — will kick into gear as he takes his first suckle at the breast or bottle."

How far along? 36 Weeks

Maternity clothes? Oh yes indeedy!! Any day I NEED to get dressed to go out I rock the maternity jeans and long cami tops. Any other day though, I'm just lounging in oversize shorts or maternity leggings :)

Sleep: It's hit or miss. One night this week I was tossing and turning until 5, heartburn crazy bad for about half an hour, finally got comfortable and then baby decided to have a 45 min kickboxing session. So I got to sleep just before 7 am... last night though hubby and I were up until 4 with the lights on, and I was able to fall asleep pretty quickly after we shut the lights off. Can I say again though, THANK THE LORD for full body pillows. I don't know what in the world I would do without it!!

Best moment this week: Hearing that baby is in the right position and all things are go for whenever baby decides to join the world! Also nice to hear I don't have to get blood taken at anymore check-ups :)

Miss Anything? Sushi and hard cider still... I can literally smell and taste them when I think about it, haha! But mainly I'm just ready to have my body back-- being able to breathe properly, roll over in bed easily, stretch out of my stomach, etc is going to be heaven :) That being said, I really am loving becoming a parent, it's funny to notice the changes in me over the months :)

Movement: Indeed! So much so, I'm sure he's gonna be some sort of athlete haha! Cannot wait to lay him down in his crib and see just what the heck he was doing in my tummy!

Food cravings: Sweets are now waning except for frozen yogurt. Barbecue sauce still sounds delicious all the time, and random things come up every so often.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hamburger and pastrami still. Oh and we cleaned out the fridge recently... that was a near-puking experience for sure haha!

Gender: Boy!!

Labor Signs: No-- I left this one in because I also wanted to say that no, I will not be doing updates while in the hospital/ labor nor will we be alerting anyone when we go. We WILL for sure though be contacting family as soon as we've had our first meeting with baby (as well as pictures), and Jesse will be keeping a journal about the birth from start to finish (totally PG I promise haha) that we will post once we are home :)

Symptoms: Back and hip pain, starting to get some round ligament issues again now as well with baby growing so much. Also some heartburn but it has gone away quite a bit (knock on wood!!)

Belly Button in or out? FLAT AS A PANCAKE. I would not be surprised whatsoever if it ends up being an outie anyday now....

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely still riding the hormone train but I am a pretty happy gal :)

Looking forward to: Baby's arrival!!!! We've got everything assembled, organized and ready to go! The birth plan is written (as tentative a plan as it is lol), go bags are packed and in the car, car seat is installed... all that is left to do is call the pediatrician and get get a final update on baby's insurance and then baby is officially welcome to move out ANYtime haha!

In other news, we have officially wrapped all the gifts! Haha, feels so nice to be done Christmas shopping, now I just can't wait for Jesse to see the goodies he got :) Going next week to mail out some packages and our new Christmas cards! Alright off to finish some cleaning! TTFN! <3

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