
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012 and preeclampsia scare

Well, still no baby :-( I'm glad that my belly must be cozy but we are so anxious to have Andrew here in our arms!!

Here are some photos of our last Christmas without baby:

New Jenga game from my mom...

Cookies and the gingerbread house pre-decoration time

Christmas Eve dinner: homemade buns, cheesy potatoes, southern green beans, sparkling juice and ham-- plus homemade pumpkin pie for desert- yum!

The tree and gifts pre-stocking opening

Decorating the gingerbread house

Isn't it cute???

Christmas breakfast: cupcake quiche and egg nog french toast. SO good!!

Baby's first gift

First teething toy from Andrew's godparents!

Gifts from godparents and grandparents

Jesse's mom found this for baby!! So excited for him to be big enough to use it!!! :-D 

My gifts-- some cozy boots, popcorn, a cute frame from Jesse and BEDDING!! I have been longing for a matching bedding set for ages and now we have it! Love, love, love it and have been spending way too much time in it since lol

Jesse with his favorite gift: 3 season of Burn Notice which we have been watching marathon for 2 days now hehe

Xmas gore ;-P

Jesse wearing a gift from santa-- that sweater!! I love dressing this guy up lol

So, in other news, we went in for our 39 week appointment on Thursday the 27th... went through the regular routine but after a few tries, their bp machine wasn't working so she sent us to the room to wait. Awhile later a new nurse came in with a handheld machine but it still wasn't reading my blood pressure. Finally she got a hand-operated one and turns out my bp was too high for the others to read! So the doctor came in, measured and listened to baby's heartbeat and did the exam and then sent us straight to labor and delivery at the hospital for tests and monitoring. We were both kinda freaking out during the 20 or 30 minute drive but we tried to get it off our minds and prayed on the way there.

Upon arriving, we were registered and led up to a room at "The baby place". I changed and got into the bed while they set up the wireless heart monitors for me and baby. I also got hooked up to an automatic bp machine. It was a bit lower but still too high. I had to do yet another urine sample and they took about 5 vials of blood and set up an IV in case we would be staying overnight. This was one of the things that made me anxious about the hospital-- it wasn't pleasant, but not terrible. 

We were at the hospital for a few hours but my bp dropped down to it's normal level, all the labs came back normal, and apparently baby was doing just great the whole time which is a huge relief! So after having the IV taken out, getting set up for a 24 hr protein lab and getting discharge papers, we were free to go. 

I've never been a fan of doctors or hospitals so originally I was terrified of the birth process because of those two things. Well, we got to tour the birthing facility about a month ago and it calmed me down SO much. The hospital is brand new--just opened in October-- and it is so calming. Tan colored walls, wood floors and paneling everywhere, minimal monitoring equipment and the rooms are HUGE with a guest bed, recliner type chair and spa tub in the bathroom. Even though I was SO much calmer after touring (and trust me I am very happy everything ended up being ok with me and baby with the bp/ preeclampsia scare), it was nice in a way to have the experience at the hospital. Now the IV thing does not freak me out too much, I am much more comfortable with the environment and the staff there is all great. The last hurdle is just the birth part haha! We are trying to figure out what pain management option we want but IF we choose the epidural that'll be my next big stresser. I used to be the kid that watched needles go into my skin and loved it....ever since meeting Jesse, I have picked up on his aversion to needles. Which SUCKS. lol

Basically, I can't wait to get this show on the road. We are starting to feel as though baby will never be here, and with all his stuff having been up for over a month now, it's getting depressing not having him here in our arms! Today is his due date so here's to hoping SOMETHING happens soon! :)

TTFN! <3

Saturday, December 22, 2012

39 weeks! Anytime now baby!!

"Coming down to the wire, your baby weighs around seven to eight pounds and measures 19 to 21 inches. Those measurements won't change much from now on, but his brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of life. His pink skin has now turned whitish (even babies who'll eventually have darker skin appear whitish now — they haven't yet developed pigment). His head may have dropped into your pelvis by now, which makes your breathing easier but walking harder."

This picture pretty adequately shows just how uncomfortable I am on a regular basis lol
How far along? 39 Weeks

Maternity clothes? So far the past few days it's been one pre-pregnancy baby doll type dress and then long camis and maternity leggings when I go out. I'm soooo adventurous right lol

Sleep: Meh, it's okay. Lately I've been falling asleep around 9 or 10pm, waking up for the day sometime around 5 am and then there is usually a nap in there somewhere.

Best moment this week: Hearing that the process has begun (even though getting to find that out was particularly unpleasant lol)!!! It's a frustrating thing though because in my head I'm thinking "FINALLY! It's almost over" and then reality sets in knowing that it could still be several days if baby wants to be stubborn (which we already know he is a stubborn little guy). Now let me clarify, I've loved being pregnant and being blessed with this miracle and experience but I'm now just way too friggin impatient to have my body back and mainly to have baby in my arms!!! I literally feel like my arms ache sometimes not being able to hold him :-/

Miss Anything? So many things lol. I wonder if I will have phantom baby belly syndrome after Andrew is born-- is that a thing? Hmmmm

Movement: Well for the past few weeks it's been the same-- his head is down, bottom on the left (sometimes sticking out below my ribs) and his legs/ feet are on the right. So anytime he kicks or pushes it is in the EXACT same area. a small circle including my ribs which is starting to get pretty painful on occasional.

Food cravings: Sweets! I could eat forzen yogurt all friggin day long lol

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same old-- hamburger, pastrami, pepperoni....

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Not really. Now that we know the process has begun we are both much more in tune to what is happening but it still is just random cramping all over on and off all day. Waiting impatiently for regular contractions to start so we can get this show on the road!! You know, people have told me that by the end of pregnancy the birth no longer intimidates you because you are so ready to be done... I didn't know if that was gonna happen to me (and get this, I have been calm about the actual birth for months but as it got loser what did I stress out about? Getting an IV. Damn Jesse making me afraid of needles, sigh.), but it is SO true. Now I go through everyday just wishing something would happen so I know we are almost there. Once it starts I am going to be so relieved. I just want him to come now! Sooooo impatient lol

Symptoms: Pain in my side/ ribs when Andrew stretches or kicks, back aches like all the time, weird random moments of my legs tingling, lots of random cramping, heartburn, round ligament pain if I don't support my belly while laying on my side, sore hips....

Belly Button in or out? It is starting to be pretty regular for it to be poking out just a bit. The other night I was absentmindedly rubbing my bump and started noticing a weird lump (originally thought it was the scar tissue from my belly button piercing sine that sticks out a bit), and realized it was my belly button sticking out a bit in the middle-- I told Jesse and he goes "uh oh! UH OH!" as he felt it and then we both dissolved into a giggle fit for about 15 minutes lol

Wedding rings on or off? On. Still fits the same as always. Except when, like at my last appointment, they keep me shut into a hot room with no air circulation for 45 minutes. Then I can BARELY get them off or on. Sigh.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but IMPATIENT

Looking forward to: Baby coming!!! I may just cry with relief when contractions start or my water breaks hahahaha!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

38 Weeks

"Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long.Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. He's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: He’s continuing to add fat (so he can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning his brain and nervous system (so he can deal with all the stimulation that awaits him once he makes his entrance into the world)."

How far along? 38 Weeks

Maternity clothes? These days, it's whatever I manage to get on lol-- maternity leggings are a staple.

Sleep: Meh. This week I got three hours one night, Nine the next, three the next... I think it depends on baby/ my brain/ how exhausted I am. Usually taking a nap everyday though.

Best moment this week: Just being productive in general-- I feel like it has been ages since I've been productive lol

Miss Anything? So many things haha, but all well worth it :) Two months from baby's due date and all the things I miss can begin again! :)

Movement: INDEED! Lol, my new favorite thing is when he pushes his foot out and I can feel the whole bottom of his tiny foot, magical moments like that definitely make everything in the third trimester worth it :)

Food cravings: Don't know that I'm having much, though I'm always but for sweets (yuck lol). Otherwise I'm trying to eat something spicy everyday to help Andrew get the picture haha

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hamburger, pastrami and this just in...pepperoni. But only when ON the pizza. If I pick it off and eat it, it's fine.... WTF??

Gender: Boy!!

Labor Signs: Baby SEEMS to be moving around a bit less, and I'm definitely having lots of random cramping all over my stomach and pelvic area... plus an occasional bout of lower back aching... Bbay still hasn't dropped but have been reading that he might not until labor actually starts, so that makes me feel a bit more hopeful haha

Symptoms: Back aches, hip and leg pain, cramping, round ligament pain is back trying to hold up my little bowling ball (lol), fatigue, shortness of breath, having to pee allllll the time, and heartburn.

Belly Button in or out? Somehow it's still pretty flat though sometimes when I use my abs it pops out a bit haha

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & EXCITED!!! I have been feeling anxious ever since talking to hubby about what to do if complications arise... When I really stop to think about it, I'm pretty calm about the actual birth and know that everything will be okay but there is that tiny part of my brain that is freaking out about the minute chance of something going wrong with baby. However, I think I've been so impatient about baby getting here that I'm just anticipating way too much which is leading to stress. So I am making a big effort to just go about my day not expecting or waiting for anything and it seems to be helping quite a bit! :)

Looking forward to: Andrew's arrival!!! I'm hardcore daydreaming/ dreaming about him being here, I absolutely cannot wait to hold him in my arms <3 !!!!!

So in other news, now that we are past full term, and only ELEVEN days from baby's due date (can you believe it?!?!?!?), we are getting the final preparations done... in other words, here are my two projects for the week (besides walking and eating spicy food to entice baby to head out lol):

1. Slow-cooker meals found here

2. Padscicles. Yup, they sound pretty amazing lol-- found here

TTFN!! <3

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

37 weeks

"Congratulations! You've got what is officially considered a full-term baby, even with three weeks to go. That doesn't mean he's finished growing — in fact, he's still packing on about a half pound a week (at this age, the average fetus weighs about 6.5 pounds). That makes it a little crowded in your uterus, so he’s probably not kicking as much, though he’s probably stretching, rolling a bit, and wiggling (all of which you’ll be able to feel!). Right now, your little superstar is busy rehearsing for his big debut, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get the lungs ready for that first breath), sucking his thumb (to prepare for that first suckle of milk), blinking, and turning from side to side."

... all I can say is: Andrew, what is with all the kicks?!? Lol

How far along? 37 Weeks

Maternity clothes? Indeedy!

Sleep: Still pretty hit or miss. Lordy do my back and hips take a beating tossing and turning, ouch!

Best moment this week: Being done with Christmas shopping and throwing our first dinner party-- which I somehow got through without swollen legs or napping hehe!

Miss Anything? Being comfortable and laying on my tummy!! Jesse was on his stomach earlier and I almost cried I was so jealous!

Movement: LOTS of major movin! His little hands and feet stick waaay out and now I can feel his little arms and legs fully when they stick out below my ribs 

Food cravings: Not much really. Still just random cravings. It was ham today haha

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same old!

Gender: Boy

Symptoms: Pretty constant achy back, sore hips, squished insides and very odd feeling with baby moving around in my pelvis.... SO STRANGE lol. Also out of breath a lot and overheat pretty easily.

Belly Button in or out? Parts of it stick out randomly but it's still hangin on for dear life 

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and impatient!!! I want my body back/ want to hold our sweet little guy in my arms so bad!!! I'm literally daydreaming about cuddling him and watching him and holding him.... ahhhhhh I cannot WAIT!!!

Looking forward to: Andrew's arrival of course!! I am working on the spicy food, exercising, etc that are supposedly natural ways to induce haha, baby is welcome to vacate the premises anytime!! ;-P

Saturday, December 8, 2012

36 weeks! AKA NINE MONTHS!!!

"Forget your aching back (and everything else!) by trying to focus on your baby, who is now about six pounds and 20 inches long, with soft bones and cartilage to allow a safer journey through the exit door. Most of his systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though his digestion system — which has done only practice runs so far — will kick into gear as he takes his first suckle at the breast or bottle."

How far along? 36 Weeks

Maternity clothes? Oh yes indeedy!! Any day I NEED to get dressed to go out I rock the maternity jeans and long cami tops. Any other day though, I'm just lounging in oversize shorts or maternity leggings :)

Sleep: It's hit or miss. One night this week I was tossing and turning until 5, heartburn crazy bad for about half an hour, finally got comfortable and then baby decided to have a 45 min kickboxing session. So I got to sleep just before 7 am... last night though hubby and I were up until 4 with the lights on, and I was able to fall asleep pretty quickly after we shut the lights off. Can I say again though, THANK THE LORD for full body pillows. I don't know what in the world I would do without it!!

Best moment this week: Hearing that baby is in the right position and all things are go for whenever baby decides to join the world! Also nice to hear I don't have to get blood taken at anymore check-ups :)

Miss Anything? Sushi and hard cider still... I can literally smell and taste them when I think about it, haha! But mainly I'm just ready to have my body back-- being able to breathe properly, roll over in bed easily, stretch out of my stomach, etc is going to be heaven :) That being said, I really am loving becoming a parent, it's funny to notice the changes in me over the months :)

Movement: Indeed! So much so, I'm sure he's gonna be some sort of athlete haha! Cannot wait to lay him down in his crib and see just what the heck he was doing in my tummy!

Food cravings: Sweets are now waning except for frozen yogurt. Barbecue sauce still sounds delicious all the time, and random things come up every so often.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hamburger and pastrami still. Oh and we cleaned out the fridge recently... that was a near-puking experience for sure haha!

Gender: Boy!!

Labor Signs: No-- I left this one in because I also wanted to say that no, I will not be doing updates while in the hospital/ labor nor will we be alerting anyone when we go. We WILL for sure though be contacting family as soon as we've had our first meeting with baby (as well as pictures), and Jesse will be keeping a journal about the birth from start to finish (totally PG I promise haha) that we will post once we are home :)

Symptoms: Back and hip pain, starting to get some round ligament issues again now as well with baby growing so much. Also some heartburn but it has gone away quite a bit (knock on wood!!)

Belly Button in or out? FLAT AS A PANCAKE. I would not be surprised whatsoever if it ends up being an outie anyday now....

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely still riding the hormone train but I am a pretty happy gal :)

Looking forward to: Baby's arrival!!!! We've got everything assembled, organized and ready to go! The birth plan is written (as tentative a plan as it is lol), go bags are packed and in the car, car seat is installed... all that is left to do is call the pediatrician and get get a final update on baby's insurance and then baby is officially welcome to move out ANYtime haha!

In other news, we have officially wrapped all the gifts! Haha, feels so nice to be done Christmas shopping, now I just can't wait for Jesse to see the goodies he got :) Going next week to mail out some packages and our new Christmas cards! Alright off to finish some cleaning! TTFN! <3

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's December!!!

SO. It is December first today!! 28 days (give or take) until we meet our little boy! And boy am I ready haha! Let's see, what is new.... after Thanksgiving we spent some time at my great Uncle's daughter's house, also spent some time with my great uncle and two great aunts at their house. It's been lots of fun to meet relatives I've never met, spend more time with those I have, and learn more about our family's ancestry! 

Jesse's job has him working like mad. Poor guy worked a double yesterday, morning today, and is working a morning AND overnight tomorrow, whew! He is a trooper that's for sure. Thank goodness he likes his job! He also is making some good friends (we have a double date scheduled for sometime when I don't feel like poo with one of his coworkers and his partner-- should be a blast!!), AND receiving lots of compliments on his work by his "superiors"... I am SO proud of my hubby, and love how his face lights up when he talks about work :)

In other news, we have been busy decorating for the upcoming holidays/ season, getting organized, wrapping and buying gifts and making our apartment ready for guests-- we have a few family members coming over next weekend so we are preparing for them. Jesse is making Beef Wellington again for them and I am soooo excited, it was delicious when he made it for Thanksgiving!!

We also were able to get some photos printed out for baby's room which has been a long time coming. We only need baby now to fill the other three empty frames! Oh gosh, I am getting so excited for the little guy to get here!! We really need to finish packing the hospital bags and actually install the carseat lol...

Well, I think that's all for now... enjoy the photos! <3

Our little tree with all the gifts we've gotten so far

The bar area transformed! Thanks to my mom for the artwork on the logs and fire! :)

Cinnamon potpourri and Christmas candles

My pink dumpster-dive chair reinvented! We haven't been able to fin upholstery we liked so mom bought us this super comfy fleece blanket which I just tucked into the cushion and plopped a throw pillow onto. Doesn't it look cozy??

Window clings!! I searched for a week to find these bad boys lol

Our "mantle" with candles and cinnamon-scented glitter pinecones

More candles!! Cannot wait to light the two new ones-- gingerbread spice and apple cider <3

The outside of Andrew's room is a bit festive :)

Half wall and glider

Twinkle light leading up the entry way

New tablecloth and decor

Our 2012 ornament!!! "Parents-to-be"

Yup, Andrew officially has an xmas bib and santa cap. He needs to move out so I can put them on him and take a ridiculous amount of photos!! Haha!

A cool ornament we got last summer-- made of seashells and says "True love is eternal"

I know it's pink but ever since I first found out we were pregnant I've wanted it. So be it. :)

A reminder of where we come from/ where Andrew came from lol

<3 Indeed!

"A son is the greatest joy and the most beautiful blessing"

Our little Christmas gift


Tryin out the hat ;)

Andrew's uncle, aunt and cousins

Top is Andrew's godparents and bottom is his Grandparents on his dad's side

35 Weeks!

"Your baby is standing tall (so to speak) this week at about 20 inches and continues his steady weight gain (he’s about 5.5 pounds). While he won't get much longer, he will continue to pack on the pounds — including large amounts of baby fat — right up 'til delivery day. Something else that's moving at a mind-boggling pace these day: fetal brain development! There’s a lot going on inside that tiny head, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal."

How far along? 35 Weeks

Maternity clothes? Indeed! I'm living in an oversize pair of sweat shorts, tank tops and maternity leggings!

Sleep: Pretty good for the first half of the week... now I am in the painful part of pregnancy lol, Can not get comfortable ever and baby is getting viscous ..let's just say there are a lot of tears these days... Worst night this week: finally fell asleep at 6am, woke up at 8am to baby going nuts, laid on the couch at about 10 and from 10 until 2 I went in and out of consciousness as baby's karate moves allowed. I feel as though I am starting my new mom phase (sleep when baby is sleeping) haha.

Best moment this week: So far, it's been spending time with my hubby. We're trying to do more activities just the two of us recently before baby comes, here's hoping we get at least a few more! :)

Miss Anything? Breathing, sitting & laying normally, rolling over in bed without feeling like a beached whale, NOT having my belly beaten up by a crazy strong baby boy, alcohol, lunchmeat and sushi.

Movement: BIG HUGE movements, like rolling over or deciding his entire body needs to stick out one side of my tummy. And lots of punches with some kicks in there too. And hiccups still everyday...

Food cravings: SWEETS. Oh lordy, it's bad. Milk is a big one too. I feel a bit like Tim Allen in The Santa Clause when he is going through his transformation haha!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hamburger and pastrami.

Gender: Boy!

Symptoms: Back aches, hip aches, tummy aches, fatigue, dizziness, heartburn....

Belly Button in or out? It's still fighting but it's unclear as to whether it shall win or not. Some days a part of it is stickin out while the rest is stubborn...

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy-- though mostly I've just been really calm and content. Like I am perfectly happy to just sit somewhere and rub my bump and talk about or think about baby, and while I am anxious about the whole birth thing (mainly because I have a completely unwarranted paralyzing fear of doctors and hospitals-- though going to the OB has now become easy and once having toured the birthing facility I feel better about that aspect as well), I still feel pretty at peace about it all. I'm sure I'm also less nervous the closer we get cuz I'm just so ready to have my body back lol!

Looking forward to: Meeting baby!!! But more so I just can't wait to hold him. Jesse and I have begun talking about his little diapers or him holding our fingers, etc... and get absolutely ridiculous with excitement hehe! I'm also very excited about Christmas! I can't wait to see Jesse's face at some of the stuff I know he is getting this year! I also hope baby comes before then, simply because a tiny santa hat just arrived for him tee hee :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

34 weeks and Happy Thanksgiving!!

"What's new this week? Your baby is clocking in at five pounds and could be as tall as 20 inches by now, and the vernix (the white coating protecting your baby’s skin) is getting thicker. This week, a boy's testicles start making their way down from his abdomen to their final destination: his scrotum (look out below!). While about three to four percent of boys are born with undescended testicles, it's nothing to worry about — they usually head downtown before junior turns a year old. In other baby-related developments, those tiny fingernails have probably reached the tips of his fingers by now — and getting ready for that first postpartum manicure."

How far along? 34 Weeks

Maternity clothes? maternity & comfy clothes... 

Sleep:  Meh, it's hit or miss. Heartburn and baby practicing for the Olympics don't help but again, SO thankful for the body pillow!!!

Best moment this week: Sharing Maternity shots, and Thanksgiving!!!

Miss Anything? Being comfortable. And being able to have a drink.

Movement: SO much. I think baby needs to move out soon before I start bruising. I start crying sometimes when I can't get him to settle down and I'm exhausted haha.... I did find out I can sometimes rub my belly for like 10 min and then he will go to sleep :)

Food cravings: Sweets :-/

Anything making you queasy or sick: Hamburger and pastrami. And anything gross makes me want to vomit in an instant.

Gender: Boy!

Symptoms: Back aches, hip aches, feeling as though my bones are LITERALLY bendy in my lower back... super creepy. Heartburn before bed....

Belly Button in or out? I feel like it may be losing the battle... usually one little part of it is sticking out....

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I wrote a letter to baby the other night when I couldn't sleep and got so excited and happy thinking about his arrival! I hope he is (safely) early cuz I just can't wait any longer!

Looking forward to: baby's arrival! =)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Hope you all had safe travels and yummy food :)