
Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy two months baby Andrew ♥

"If he hasn't done so already, your baby is about to crack a spectacular toothless smile. He'll also laugh, coo, and recognize your face and your voice about now. Some babies may bear weight on their legs when held upright and some may reach for objects. Especially talented noisemakers will soon discover how to make a razzing sound in addition to producing a variety of vowel combinations (oh-ah!). You're probably getting loads of advice (some unsolicited) about how to get your baby on a schedule and how to deal with nighttime feedings; listen (politely) but remember that what works for one baby (and one set of parents) may not work for your family. Other potential issues at the two-month mark: leaving your baby with a sitter for an evening out and starting the search for the right kind of child care if you'll be returning to work in the coming months (or even if you won't). Keep in mind that maternal separation anxiety (that's right — yours, not your baby's) is totally normal; focusing on ways to minimize your discomfort (i.e., guilt and fear) can help partings and reunions go more smoothly for everyone."

Yes, yes he did do this all by himself lol isn't it adorable??

Looking up at Daddy <3

And this was Andrew at the end of our photo shoot-- I'm sure he is already sick of mom and dad paparazzi haha

What's funny? Reading all those mommy blogs who have this schedule posted of their day that is clear, concise perfect.... and being PISSED about that because YOU don't have anything near a schedule worked out.... and then realizing you have in fact fallen into a routine schedule and didn't even know it LOL.

Yup, thankfully Andrew and I just sort of fell into a schedule that works great for us and is so nice to have figured out-- I feel much more at peace with the world!

Baby wakes up, change, feed for about 20 minutes in a dark room, re-swaddle and put back to bed.
Baby wakes up from his threeish hour nap, change, dress for the day, feed in a bright-lit room.
On and off napping, talking, exercising, reading, playing and tummy time #1
Dinner time (usually the largest meal of the day-- about 6 ounces or so), and changing
Relaxing, playing, talking, tummy time #2, etc.
Change, put him in PJs, feed him.
Swaddle him, put him in the crib with humidifier, star lights and music (usually he is asleep by 11:30pm)
Mama passes out. Haha ;-P

So in recent news:
Baby is more and more awake everyday! He also is cooing up a storm & we love responding to him. He is such a goofball, we will respond with a silly comment like "Oh my goodness you say you don't like cuddling??" and he will scrunch up his little face and start screeching until we  grab him and squeeze him and take it back lol. The other night he visited Granny for the first time in a few days and once she picked him up and held him he had the funniest look on his face and kept looking up at her and then turning away and looking at the other side of the room back and forth about 10 times... we were practically in tears it was so funny!
He also has now learned how to pull his knees up under his hips when doing tummy time and tries to wave back when we wave at him. Lastly he has begun learning how to use the cause and effect toys-- in the car he will start cying or fussing and then he will pull the handle on the musical elephant attached to his car seat and calms down for a bit. He was extra fussy after church last week and he did that prolly 5 times in a row haha!

Today we went to The Florida Strawberry Festival! Baby is supposedly allergic but we brought plenty of formula with (I will not be feeding him for 24 hours after eating anything with strawberries just to be safe).

Tomorrow we will be heading up to Orlando to visit Jesse's aunt and uncle who are visiting FL for a bit-- we're so excited to introduce them to Andrew!

Then Monday I have my follow-up appointment, and Tuesday baby has his 2 month check-up and we will be scheduling his appointment to get the vaccines we approved. Will post afterwards :)

We will leave you with our little one's grin :)

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