
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Saying bye-bye to the Paci and yay for new jobs!

So most of the things I've been reading have said to not let your baby go over a year with a pacifier, and me being so OCD lately of course began thinking we immediately needed to work on this (this was at 4 months). Jesse calmed me down and we agreed we'd begin trying at 6 months. 
Now, Andrew isn't THAT attached to his paci. He often doesn't use one whatsoever when he is awake but he sleeps and naps with his paci, so we weren't sure how well this would go down.

About a week ago, I put Andrew to bed at night without his pacifier. He screamed and cried for about 40 or 45 minutes. I went in every ten minutes to rock him, re-start his lullabye music, and just calm him down.
The second night, it was about 30 minutes of half-hearted crying.
Third night, maybe 15 minutes of crying pretty hard.
Fourth night, 5-10 min.
Fifth night, hardly a peep.
And he's been quiet ever since.
They say it takes between 3 and 5 nights to make changes like these.

Jesse has been a big advocate for swaddling and we have a Swaddlepod we use for every nap and night sleep. Well,we recently did some research and found that they suggest to stop around 4 months. So we started taking it away for naps. It took two days but it seems to be working out fine now. Plus when you go wake him up he has is legs uncovered and up in the air and has a huge grin on his face so I think he is enjoying it hehe :)

Currently we are at a lull using the swaddle pod only at night and the pacifier only during naps but once he's good and used to it we will start taking away the paci for naps as well. It happened a lot faster than I thought it was going to but in hindsight, it's really great! 
We are travelling to MN to visit friends and family in August and so it's working out nicely. This way, we're hoping he will be able to sleep anywhere. But we will have the pod and the paci along just in case :)

In OTHER news, congrats to the hubby for landing a FULL TIME JOB!!! Yay for regular, scheduled hours and healthcare for our whole family! :)
In addition, I was able to start doing transcription work at home so I am hoping to pay our rent and *maybe* utilities every month so we can start a real savings account. Our whole $30 is gettin' pretty lonely haha

Well, I think that's all for now. Just looking forward to the summer-- we have fishing, beach dates, a wedding, etc. to be had PLUS our 8 day trip to MN, my 25th and our 2 year wedding anniversary! We're going to try to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter tee hee :)

***UPDATE: Andrew does NOT use the swaddle pod OR paci for sleeping or naps anymore and he is one happy bambino! :-D

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