
Monday, August 12, 2013



I am SO ready for this trip. Literally I just keep thinking of going shopping with my best friend and get giddy. Last time we saw each other was her wedding in October and the poor gal was so busy we hardly got to actually spend time together so this? This will be epic hehehe :)

Today we finished packing. Oh Lord. Thank all that is Holy for THAT. Apparently since becoming a mommy I have begun to DETEST packing. I mean, I'm 99% of the time prepared enough for an apocalypse but this kinda sucked. Stupid airplanes and regulations.

First off, why would I spend another $400 so my 7 month old can sit in a seat in his car seat? It's not gonna be as secure as it seems like it should be and.... FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS! Yikes! To get to the point, I originally misread the TSA guidelines and thought that infants were allowed their own bag (aka diaper bag). Luckily today I had a strange feeling and double-checked. Turns out the bag is ONLY for ticketed infants (babies with their own seats). Le sigh. Fitting a purse filled with snacks for the plane, extra baby things, paperwork, wallet, etc. into an already overstuffed diaper bag is not the most fun thing ever.

So. This packing thing. We ended up with 7 bags between the three of us. One is a car seat carrier, one is a stroller carrier, one is a large suitcase we are checking, I have my duffel and Andrew's diaper bag and Jesse has his bag and a small duffel for A's clothes, etc.

Sorry for the poor quality photos!!!!

The suitcase holds:
  • Travel Bassinet
  • Bag-o-wipes
  • Disposable overnight diapers
  • Activity Gym
  • Towels
  • Extra bottles
  • Swim gear
  • Liquids
  • Musical Frog
  • Baby monitors
  • Travel wipe warmer
  • Infant life jacket
  • Blankets
  • Pack n' Play sheet 
  • Wet Pad
  • 6 Cloth diapers
  • Books
Before the hubby worked his magic...

Andrew's bag holds:
  • 7 days of clothes in baggies
  • One set extra clothes
  • Blanket
  • Hygiene kit (incl. nail clipper, brush, ear swabs, etc)
  • Baby powder\
  • Sweatshirt
  • Hats
  • Shoes
  • PJs
  • Teething ring

The diaper bag holds:
  • Powdered formula
  • One bottle
  • One sippy cup
  • One spoon feeder
  • Two pouches baby food
  • Hand and face wipes
  • Boogie wipes
  • Paci wipes
  • Paci on a string
  • TOYS
  • Swaddle blanket
  • Thermometer
  • Cards
  • Travel wallet
  • Bibs
  • Burp cloths
  • Wallet
  • Plane snacks
  • Wipes
  • Changing pad
  • Wet bags
  • Extra clothes
  • Books
Before needing to add in my purse contents

Each of our bags have some baby things as well, haha. I kept thinking "what could I get rid of?" but at least for our first trip with baby, I think we did pretty good only packing essentials.

Well, bags are packed and in the car, bathroom and kitchen have been cleaned, everything has been dusted and vacuumed, laundry and dishes are done... I even threw some bay leaves around and sprayed my homemade spider repellant. I think we are ready!

Tomorrow we leave at 7:30 ET, need to park, take the shuttle to the terminal, print boarding passes/ drop off the car seat and suitcase, make it through security, take the amtrack to our gate, hurry up and wait, our flight leaves at 11:55 ET and lands 2:21 CT. 

Wish us luck! We can't wait to see friends and family! And don't worry, there shall be many, MANY photos a week from now :)

Ta ta for now! <3

Andrew wondering what the HECK mama is doing and why she is making SUCH a mess.

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