
Friday, September 13, 2013

Eight Months Old!

Good Lord does time go fast!

"Gone are the days when your baby would stay where you plopped him. Most critters are ready to roll…and scoot, creep, crawl, or cruise (though not crawling yet isn't worrisome as long as your baby is reaching other important milestones).  The typical eight-month-old is off to as many corners of the world as he can reach and playing like a madman once he gets there. (One result may be a pretty messy house, though there are ways to contain the chaos without constraining his spirit.) His vastly improved dexterity, ability to focus, and language skills make playtime more exciting than ever. Expect plenty of baby conversation and possibly a distinct "ma-ma" or "da-da" in the coming weeks. And while his comprehension is still limited, your tiny troublemaker will soon get the meaning of the word "no" as he hears it (a lot) over the next decade or so. Baby signing may help bridge the communication gap between the two of you, so if you're interested, now's a good time to get started. Another exciting discovery around the eight-month mark: the genitals, which seem to provide endless fascination whenever they're available for self-inspection. That's normal, as is utter exhaustion for Mom as you try to cope with action-packed days and (possibly still) sleepless nights. Make sure to take time to recharge your batteries; taking a break and clearing your head is good for you and, therefore, good for your baby."

...and you can probably guess I have been neglecting housework and therefore neglecting the blog. And you would be right. But I'm back!

New developments:

  • Andrew just recently (literally only for about a day or two) has begun using consonants in his babble which is so fun to listen to! It's really sounds like a little language now rather than cooing! He did indeed say "da-da" a few times at the end of August but has tormented the aforementioned dada by never again uttering those syllables. 
  • We decided to never again give him squash. While he didn't have any glaringly obvious reactions, he did have a more rash-y face and and spit up more than usual. Oh an projectile vomited on daddy's jeans. So we figured we'd cut our losses and the squash for a while.
  • He likes beets! And looks like some sort of cannibal or vampire after eating them with the juice all over his face. HOWEVER, we are now giving this a two day break like we did the squash because he developed a reaction on his neck and tummy-- which is how the strawberries started out :-S
  • Still no crawling but he is MUCH closer. And if you put him on his hands and knees he will try to move forward before falling on his face.... Standing is getting a tad bit more solid. But rolling remains his method of transportation. I set him down and next thing I know he is across the floor on his tummy pulling books down from the shelf-- thank goodness we baby-proofed when we did!
  • On that note.... the really awesome gate we purchased for the top of the stairs came out of the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D-: We need to remember to go to Home Depot to get some stuff to fix that. Sad day.
  • Sitting has become very good! He can maintain it for longer periods of time and if when he is reclined or laying down has pillows or something, he can elbow his way up to sitting :)
  • Andrew has become very comfortable in the pool which is great! He has learned to splash and has a ton of fun doing that, we also are in the midst of trying to teach him how to blow bubbles and kick his legs. He does not even remotely get it, just stares at us like we're idiots.... but someday! He also enjoys kicking back in his inflatable car and letting us swim him back and forth in the shade.... he even fell asleep last time and slept through daddy carrying him home!
  • He definitely enjoys a good mess making at the high chair. He has a white wall next to him that he likes to paint and is even starting to try to get food on his spoon and try to stick it in his own mouth (we give him his own spoon to hold while we feed him to get him used to the idea).
A quick recap of our daily schedule:

Andrew is either fussing, screaming or just chatting away to his stuffed animal friends . We go get him (usually he is on his tummy or sideways or upside down in his crib). Change him from an overnight disposable diaper into a cloth diaper and dress him for the day (he pretty much lives in onesies unless we leave the house).
He gets 8 ounces of hypoallergenic formula and then we play for an hour
Oatmeal time!!!!
Andrew is either rubbing his eyes/ getting fussy by now or after another 10 minutes he goes down anyways. We change him and put him down for a nap in his onesie with the mobile on.
The sleeping baby has awoken!!!! Time for another change. This time we go to the highchair for 7 ounces of formula, a bowl of broccoli, spinach or carrots and as much water as he will take. Then we play. If daddy is home we will often go for a walk or swim around this time as well. 
Time for another nap!
Up for a change, 7 ounce sippy cup, veggies, and water. This time we usually are more active-- doing stuff on the floor, reading, going on the patio, etc. Plus occasionally get to say hello to Granny.
Down for a short nap
Up for some play time/ tummy time
8 ounce bottle of formula
Warm cloth all over the baby face/ neck full of crumbs, formula drippage and drool. He just LOVES this part.
Change into disposable overnight diaper and PJs, kisses, eucerin on his face, and to bed with his stuffed bear and elephant :)

September 1st marked ONE YEAR of life in Florida!! Crazy to think we've been out of the frozen Tundra of MN and into the Palm Tree laden Tampa Bay! We've definitely enjoyed it! Made a few really good friends and still meeting some new ones. 
We are planning a playdate with Plum Mom's Club next week which I am apprehensive about since I am a total loner but am forcing myself to go to because it would be great for Andrew to have some structured time to socialize with other little kiddos. They also have a program called "Stroller Strides" on that site which is a really neat program for soon-to-be moms, new moms, etc! You bring your baby in your stroller, walk little stretches and then stop at checkpoints for exercises! They also do kid-friendly activities. It sounds pretty cool so I am working up the courage to give that a shot too. 
October 5th we are going tailgating! My mother works at USF and they have a tailgating party for alumni, students, staff and families so we're going to go have some food/ meet some people and then you get to watch the Bulls game! Time to shop-- Andrew just NEEDS a tiny Bulls jersey! Muahahaha ;-P
....On that note. Online shopping is DANGEROUS. I have placed 5 orders in the past few days. Granted, one was very cheap and something Jesse and I both needed, 3 were necessary to start our dance classes (Oh yeah BTW we are doing adult ballet classes starting this month with a friend Jesse works with!)-- it could have been one but we forgot some stuff and then an item got cancelled... bleh. And the last was a major moment of weakness. Old Navy's last day of the baby sale (30% off) and an additional 15% off at checkout. I am weak, what can I say? But how can you turn down this, or these, or these????? I have a problem. Oh hey by the way, Old Navy has a 20% off sale now until September 18th! Go check it out!! Seriously, Old Navy has upped their game and I like it!!!!

We were hunting for a three bedroom the past week, and ended up deciding to stay at our community but the only available 3 bedrooms were lower level, and they all felt claustrophobic-- we've been spoiled with vaulted ceilings. So, we are staying in our 2 bedroom until November 2014. Hopefully then we can move into something more practical for our needs. 

Lastly, I don't know about y'all but I am in major Autumn mode. It sucks big time that there is no evidence of fall outside, but oh well. Gotta make up for it inside, right??? Haha! Hubby is not too crazy about the whole decoration thing so we only do some colored leaf garlands, pumpkins and pine cones scattered around. We also get the appropriate candles for the season, haha! Right now though we only have apple cider so this weekend I am planning on hunting now another candle or two. And perhaps a bit more decoration, shhhhh. Hubby works overnights all weekend so maybe if I put them up while he sleeping he won't notice. Tee hee :)

...Also darn Starbucks and their deliciousness. I am craving a Pumpkin Spice Latte. BAD.

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