
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our weekend and sick days....

Well. I have been MIA for a while because we have had a very busy week and we have all caught colds.

Yup, I've known this day was coming and I have been dreading it. I thought we might be okay but then the sniffles started.

Let's go back to the beginning....

Tuesday morning was Andrew's 9 month check-up. The doc wanted to give him a flu shot but neither Jesse nor I have ever thought they were a good idea and we ourselves never want to get one so we opted out.
Later that night, I was reading Parents Magazine and they had an article about the flu vaccine for children, and it actually put a lot of my fears at ease. Jesse's too. Here is what the article said.

So on Wednesday or Thursday of last week, we called the pediatrician to get a shot scheduled for the little man for Monday the 21st.

Friday is always our shopping day so we hit up Target, Old Navy, Babies R Us and Whole Foods to pick up things for the coming week. In retrospect, I usually wipe down the cart and sanitize our hands after getting in the car and this would be the one time I didn't. By Friday evening, Andrew had a runny nose.

Friday evening we went to our Church's Oktoberfest fundraiser. 

Bratwurst and sauerkraut 

Polka band

It was fun, but not sure we would ever go again. It was expensive and really dark and we don't really know anyone still after almost a year of attending the Church. We're all kind of sort of keep to ourselves haha...

Saturday morning we went to Wiregrass mall for a Breast Cancer walk...

...and it was SO much fun! Our friends told us about it so we showed up and registered. We walked behind the mall and around the hospital Andrew was born in and back. There were awesome costumes, neat booths AND the bimonthly farmers market was up by the time we got back, so we had a lot of fun seeing everything and will definitely be back to that again!
Click here to learn more about the PINK ARMY.
And here to learn about the awesome Florida Hospital group!!

Later that day we went to Westchase mall and attempted to go to a pumpkin patch but were running too late. Plus Andrew's nose was reeeeally runny.

Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch finally, yay! It looked like a lot of fun and if it hadn't been 483657 degrees out, I'm sure we would have enjoyed it a LOT more. BUT we saw some animals, Andrew got to experience new things, and we got a couple pumpkins/ found a neat horse riding place. So whatevs, worth it.

All tuckered out!

That evening we met up with some friends for lots and lots of sushi and then headed back to our place for some board games and drinks.

By the time we put Andrew down for the night, he was coughing and we had the sniffles.

Monday morning we called to cancel the flu shot since little man was sick and they made time to get him checked out that afternoon! We went in but the doc said he just seems to have a head cold. IF a fever shows up we are to report back immediately. OH and he gained a pound. We can officially stop trying to fatten him up now lol!

We (Jesse and I) were MISERABLE Monday. SO sick. We spent a lot of time in bed watching movies with Andrew and procrastinating.

Cuddled up between mommy and daddy

Today has been sooooo much better. We are feeling better, Andrew is gaining more energy and was giggling up a storm today and we got a lot of stuff done! Yay!

In the big bed!!

We are hopeful that by tomorrow we will be almost back to normal.

Well, off to do a gazillion dishes, make some baby carrots and put away the yummy soup I made tonight - courtesy of this awesome lady. You can see her recipes here.

TTFN! <3

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