
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Our weekend in pictures 2

What the what?!?!? It's NOVEMBER?!?!? When did this happen?

This weekend was also fairly low-key but it's been so fun!

Friday we did our weekly shopping trip, Target and Whole Foods. We looked at all the cute baby clothes at Target and check this out:

How cute is that??? We were giggling like idiots and snapping pictures. SO many strange looks from others haha!

Saturday we just hung out at home, eating, watching movies, cuddling, bathtime for baby, etc.

Sunday we went to church for the first time in what seems like forever! It really refreshed and recharged me, such a wonderful feeling :) It was a Family-First Sunday (they do these about once a month I believe), so after service we sat on some bleachers in the shade, had bratwurst/pasta salad/ desert and Jesse participated in the Adults vs. Kids soccer game. Adults won 4-1! And currently Jesse is icing his knee lol

Later on we watched a bunch of FRIENDS (we're on the last season already...*sob*) and grilled burgers on the patio!

Well, we've got Andrew's flu shot appointment tomorrow, wish us luck!!

TTFN! <3

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