
Monday, December 9, 2013

11 months!

Holy moly, our little man is almost one whole year old.

"Chances are your baby has developed an uncanny knack to get a hold of things he shouldn't have and get into places he shouldn't go. If he hasn't already done so, be prepared (with video camera on perpetual standby) for those first few steps as your child makes both physical and verbal strides this month. He loves games — especially those that involve pointing — and his interest in books will grow exponentially as he begins to comprehend more and recognize familiar pictures. A few things not to be concerned about: bowed legs (almost always normal and temporary); parental nudity (he doesn't care if you're naked as a jaybird as long as you're there!); and hitting milestones later than his peers. Remember, every baby is different and they master different skills — like standing and walking — at different ages. Children learn best and build confidence when you let them learn at their own pace, but if you're truly concerned, check with your pediatrician. More things to ask the doc: dietary questions, such as restricting fat and cholesterol in your baby's diet, and the best ways to ensure he gets the nutrients he needs. As for you, Mom, take a hint from your baby and get a move on, whether you're struggling with post-pregnancy weight or not. Regular exercise will not only help you shed pounds, it'll boost your mood and help you sleep better at night. Now who wouldn't want that?"

He got tired of my photo shoot REAL fast lol

Andrew is crawling on his hands and knees about half the time now (still army crawling the other half), pulling himself up on EVERYTHING and doing the downward dog pose every so often. One of these days that kid is gonna up and walk away and my mind will be blown.

He has 5 teeth now, the 6th one is workin' it's way out. He is taking it in stride though, almost 6 teeth in less than two months and he's been as happy as can be lol.

His meals are getting chunkier! Slices of steamed carrots, cottage cheese, halved blueberries, chunks of salted avocado.... and this just in-- Graham Crackers! He's chompin' away like a pro.

Naptimes have changed a bit, we typically have a meal when he wakes up, a snack two hours later, and then he goes down within an hour of the snack.
....UPDATE... today we did three hours until a snack and then a quick cuddle, diaper change and down for a nap. It worked great and he passed out the second he was in his crib both times!

We're going to hopefully get in some outdoors play time this week, maybe try to go to a park or something for the weekend. We also have tickets to see the Rockettes Holiday show this Saturday! Yay! I've met a Rockette but never seen them perform live, haha!

Other than hangin' out with the little man not much is going on. I've been TERRIBLE at the whole working out thing lately. I worked up the gusto to do yoga on Sunday but that was about it. Gonna try to do some stuff tonight/ do another round of yoga tomorrow morning.

Well, that's about it! Here's some pics :)

TTFN! <3

Gifts are slowly being wrapped.... these are all Andrew's! They all contain clothing haha! Really mostly for me, but I figured he'd like the tissue paper, right? ;)

Hanging out in front of the Christmas tree-- he's been SO good about leaving it alone!

Mama/ baby time :)

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