
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

So this post is really late. Life. Getting in the way of my blogging. Psch.

So long, 2013! Welcome, 2014.

This past year has been full of heartbreak, disappointment, lost friends, failed projects, anxiety attacks and stress. However, it has also been full of love, excitement, new experiences, adventures, lessons learned, planning, love, making new friends and the first year with our son. So for those reasons and the adorable little man who gives me sloppy open-mouth kisses, it is a year I will always look fondly back on.

2014 is promising visitors, fun events, more adventures, weddings, moving to a new apartment and big decisions.

I always fail at my new years resolutions, so I made some pretty easy ones: drink at least 24 oz of water per day (I'm pretty much continually dehydrated), go to sleep by 1am- the real kinda sleep, not light out with the TV on. And to be in shape!

I'm very much looking forward to each holiday this year for Andrew to enjoy a bit more, and I'm going to try very hard to be more aware of the future, like saving money for post holiday sales to save us money in the long run, planning out better family meals, and paying off debt!!

We spent NYE pretty much the same as any other day, just chillin around the house. After we put munchkin to bed (Granny babysat through the night and into the early afternoon for us) however, the fun began! Jesse's co-worker had invited us over so we took our time getting ready.... maybe also with a shot or two on my part.... and headed out. 
I am not a big people person, and I definitely am not the easiest around new people but they were nice, and soon the drinks kicked in, haha! We ended up staying until FIVE IN THE MORNING. What?!? I know, right? Jesse held off so he could drive home, and we ended up stopping for Mickey D's breakfast, and it was glorious. Best thing ever.
The next day was pretty miserable, but we made a trip for Monster Rehabs and ate a whole bunch of food and we felt better, haha.

All in all it was a great evening, definitely made me feel like a college student again LOL

The best part of 2014 is seeing Andrew grow. He is in a weird stage now, bashful, giggly, tantrum-y but I adore seeing more of his personality every day and he is such a little ham. I love him so much.

Happy (late) New Year everybody!! :)

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