
Thursday, March 6, 2014

13 months

Well, this is an appropriate time to post the 13 month blog, right? Not like Andrew is 3 days from 14 months or anything ;)

Feb. 8th with his new toy organizer

Feb. 9th in the Church playroom

"By now, some little ones can cruise or even walk (and some can’t and that’s fine, too) and imitate you like a pro (you touch your nose, she’ll touch hers). Most will be able to drink from a cup (say hello to cow’s milk); say one or two recognizable words; and point to what she wants. Intellectually, it’s all about cause and effect now (if I drop my spoon, Mommy will pick it up…again and again). On the emotional front, expect some first attempts at friendship as well as a wide range of moods and behavior, from affection to frustration to full-blown stubbornness. Don’t worry too much about klutziness (i.e., frequent falls and lots of bumping into things), as your child’s depth perception (and plain old coordination) is still a work in progress. Bare feet or slip-proof socks may still be best for beginning walkers, but now’s a good time to buy a pair of proper shoes (just-right fit is key). In other news, diaper changes may become a battle of wills as your little critter loathes staying still for something so boring (and probably prefers to be bare-bottomed anyway). You may be concerned about an appetite slump, which is totally normal as Ms. Independence now wants to decide when (and what) she will eat. And speaking of eating, get ready for toddler food throwing, food blowing, and massively messy attempts at self-feeding. Clinginess and separation anxiety (yours and hers) might be big issues these days, so use tactics that’ll help minimize partings: Get your toddler busy before you go, and leave a little bit of Mommy behind (such as your photo, your pillow, or a lipstick-print kiss on the back of her hand)."

Andrew's developments:

  • Making small passes between the couch and coffee table or recliner, etc walking on his own
  • Has come to love clementines! He eats halves probably once a day.
  • Loves playing with his stacking bowls and putting the rings back on the stacking pole thing
  • Will sort through his books until he finds one that he likes, crawl over to you with it, and then crawl up on your lap to be read to.
  • Can be found at least once a day sitting on the floor with a book open in front of him, paging through it studying the pages.
  • Put his arms through his sleeves when you pull up the side of his shirt.
  • Blows kisses
  • If we let him in our bedroom he goes STRAIGHT to the bathtub for a bath.
  • If you leave a door open anywhere he will book it towards there, and boy can that kid move fast!
  • He has a new obsession with pulling open and pushing shut doors.
  • Stacks his diapers and "helps" mama fold laundry
  • Will color for about .5 seconds with his crayons and oversized sketch pad
  • Has started to become shy or something, puts his head down/ buries it when you praise him or laugh around him, etc

That's about all for now... blog to come about being MIA, etc :)

P.s. we rearranged his room! It's so much cozier in there now, more functional, he sleeps longer since we can have the curtains closed and shades down AND he can't pull the curtain rod off the wall......again.....

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