
Thursday, March 13, 2014

14 months...

"Wave bye-bye to mommy! That’s just one of the many tricks your toddler can do now, along with following a one-step verbal command (i.e., “give Daddy the ball”) and maybe even stacking a couple of cubes. He might have about a half-dozen words in his vocabulary by now and “no” is likely one of them. Negativity is a pretty effective way for him to demonstrate his newfound identity and flex his ever-strengthening independence muscle. And speaking of independence, this is a good time to think about setting (a few) limits for your child and laying the groundwork for a united front when it comes to discipline. You and Daddy need to be on the same page about what’s allowed and what the consequences should be when your toddler acts out. Remember, he’s still very young, so it’s too soon for time-outs (he won’t understand…and he won’t stay put) and spanking is never an effective discipline tactic. Other typical behavior these days: the urge to make messes and empty things from, well, just about anywhere: cupboards, wastebaskets, drawers, toy bins — any receptacle is fair game. Dropping things is another favorite pastime as your toddler delights in experimentation (and watching you pick up the pieces). In other news, keep an eye out for these normal and temporary conditions: bowlegs, flat feet, and toeing out (he walks like a duck). All three should disappear as his legs and feet develop and his balance improves. Lastly, playtime is crucial for building both motor and social skills as well as self-esteem, so provide plenty of opportunity and space for fun. Oh, and you have fun, too!"

Andrew is:

  • Not saying any words other than mama and dada yet.... at least not consistently. I do speak some German to him/around him though so I may have confused him a bit haha ;)
  • Taking bites of things rather than immediately shoving it all in his mouth.
  • Not really trying to shove as many foreign objects in his mouth as he used to.... *knock on wood*
  • Getting more teeth! Up to 7 so far.
  • Picking up bits of food, moving his hand off the side of his chair and dropping the food to the floor/ tossing anything he doesn't like off the side/ tosses food after he is full
  • Starting to sip his milk between bites rather than gulp it down all at once
  • Pulling his blanket around himself when we put him to bed
  • Walking across the room by himself, stopping multiple times to stand and balance
  • Stacking 3 blocks before knocking them down
  • "Dancing" AKA bouncing when he turns music on with the buttons on his truck
  • Bobbing his head to music
  • LOVING organizing things, like putting a toy in each cup holder on his carseat in granny's car.... he looks back and forth and gets a huge smile on his face
  • Crawling onto your lap with a book when you ask if he wants to read
  • Absolutely adoring this oversize teddy we have, he bites it's nose and wrestles it while squealing and giggling....
  • Only drinking out of straw cups, no more sippy cups!
  • Liking the slide
  • Knocking on doors to be let in
  • Blowing kisses
  • Only once, but he got himself into a bear-crawl position, pushed back into a squat and stood up without using anything to help him!

TTFN! <3

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