
Monday, May 12, 2014

16 months

"This month, your formerly wobbly walker might just break into a run; he may also be climbing himself into a ton of trouble, so double-check your childproofing efforts — he can reach a lot more stuff than he could just a month ago. And just to confuse parents more than ever, some toddlers this age are terrified of strangers and dogs while other tots are virtually fearless, which could lead to danger. (Good news: There are tactics for dealing with both extremes.) At mealtime, be prepared for erratic eating habits: He gorges himself one day and eats next to nothing the next, rejects foods he used to love, or never slows down enough for a proper meal. Your picky eater might get picky about his high chair as well, clamoring to move to the big table with you and Dad — so consider a booster seat if he seems ready to make the switch. Don’t be surprised if your toddler shows a strong preference for you over everyone else including his father; flattering, yes, but not practical or fun for Daddy. There are several strategies to try to minimize “mommy-itis,” including making yourself scarce sometimes so Dad can step in and showing junior that you think Daddy is competent (“Wow, Daddy makes great pancakes!”) and fun (“Look what Daddy built with your blocks!”) In other news, Mr. Make-Up-His-Own-Mind may decide he suddenly hates the bathtub (you might just have to climb in there with him, armed with soap crayons and a new fleet of plastic boats). Teething may crank up the crank factor, so be ready with simple soothers (a chilled teething ring or a partially defrosted bagel work well; brandy or any type of alcohol is a definite no-no). Finally, bring on the books! You can plant the seeds to grow a love of reading long before your toddler knows his ABC’s."

Andrew is now:

  • easily feeding himself with a spoon
  • beginning to be able to drink from a regular cup
  • following directions
  • climbing
  • bouncing to music
  • matching all his shapes to the holes they go in
  • using his toy screwdriver correctly with the toy screws (no idea how since I don't think we've ever shown him)
  • running
  • will bring his shoes over to yu and try hard to put them on until you put them on his feet
  • brings you your shoes
  • Has 12 teeth
  • says/ has said "Mama", "Mom", "Dada", "Dee" (for the toy 'D' in his barn set), "Ligh" (Light), "In-Doe" (Window), "Baw" (Ball) and "Lo" for 'Hello'.
He had his 15 month check-up the other day. He is 28.2 lbs and 32". He is doing well, but the pediatrician recommended going to a speech pathologist. At first I was really uncomfortable with it but the more I think about it, the more I want to go. It's obvious Andrew knows HOW to speak, can form some words and is understanding words so I think a bit of instruction and help from someone on how to encourage him to speak more would be really helpful! 

Well, that's about all for now. TTFN! <3

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