
Friday, May 9, 2014

The first Dentist visit and our cleaning routine...

Tuesday was Andrew's first Dentist appointment! I have to say, it went better than expected. He definitely cried, buried his face in my chest and struggled... but I was expecting blood curdling screams so I was pleasantly surprised haha.

This was certainly not us. Maybe next time?? *Knock on wood*

It went pretty well though, he was used to the waiting room, but I think for a baby #2 we may try to bring them back to the exam room with us once or twice before their first appointment. He was of course shy, but also hates being held down at all and hates stuff in his mouth so he struggled and cried and bit down on the instruments but they were pretty much able to clean all of his teeth, asked about his diet (He doesn't ever really have sugar other than natural sugars in his fruit, only has juice maybe twice a week and it's one part juice three parts water, and he gets brushed twice daily), checked all the teeth and that was that.

The dentist told us that the ADA has now said that ALL children should be using toothpaste with fluoride rather than brushing with water or non-fluoride toothpaste based on the amount of cavities kids get. I immediately got uncomfortable and hubby and I agreed to research it before we used the toothpaste they gave us.
Here is an article from the NY Times advising using Fluoride on children under 2.
Here is an article from US Today also saying to use Fluoride on infant teeth.
Here is an article from 2010 in which both the CDC and ADA recommend NOT using Fluoride and even buying non-fluoridated water for your infants.
This is an explanation of Fluorosis, which is worsened when seen in a child in development.
Feel free to form your own opinions and do what YOU think is best, but we definitely decided no fluoride toothpaste anytime soon. Especially when recommended intake for a child under 2 is 0.05mg per K and our water supply alone is 0.20mg per K.
Click here if you'd like to see what the fluoride content in the water is near you.

Our Cleaning Routine:
Now let me get something straight. Our place is usually a mess in at least two places at once. The bathroom is ridiculously dusty right now, the kitchen needs garbage taken out and a good wipe-down, the table is full of mail and random crap. BUT recently I heard a mama looking for help with cleaning up after her 18 month old so I thought I'd post this :)

9:30am (ish) Andrew is eating breakfast. It usually takes around 30 minutes for him to feed himself bananas, oatmeal and milk so it gives me plenty of time to clean out the dishwasher, rinse his dishes, eat my breakfast beside him and pull laundry out of the dryer.

10 am Little man is washed up and playing, while I fold and put away his diapers/ clothes etc.

1:30pm (ish) Andrew has lunch. I usually can fit in my own lunch plus straightening up the kitchen, rinsing dishes and loading the dishwasher.

2:30 pm (ish) Naptime is upon us! I typically do work in our room, catch up on TV shows, nap myself, etc.

6pm Dinner time! Again I eat with Andrew, rinse and load dishes.

9pm Andrew is down for the night. IF his laundry is full I take that out with me when I close his door. I put the load in, pick up all his toys (Small books go between bookends on TV stand, regular books are stacked on bottom level of the coffee table. Stuffed animals go in his little tent, everything else goes in the fabric bins or shelves of his cubby hole organizer). Then I get anything else in the dishwasher that needs to go in and run it. I also wipe down counters, table and highchair with Babyganics wipes and put rags in the kitchen laundry.

This will be us one day. A gal can dream, right? ;)
...I switch over the laundry after about 45 minutes and leave it in the dryer until morning. I'm usually in bed *able* to be asleep by about 10:15pm.
It works pretty well for us. It can get pretty messy by evening but while Andrew is "reading" his books or working on puzzles I sometimes clear things up a bit.

Things will change once we move to a bigger place in the fall/winter but for now, this system works well and serves its purpose haha

Well, TTFN! I have a munchkin to cuddle and a 16 month picture to take <3

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