
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cloth Diapering!

For us, the decision was fairly simple. 

We, like a lot of folks we imagined, didn't exactly look forward to having to wash out diapers or scrape poo off them but the savings way outweighed the gross bits in our minds. My husband was a tad bit more resistant about the extra effort but he is now a believer!

Andrew goes through about 3-5 cloth diapers a day at 18 months. We change him between 2 and 4 hours based on need and use a disposable at night because that kid can create a lake in 12 hours.

While about 5% of the time using cloth diapers can be kind of.... for lack of a better word, 'icky'.... it really is better, in our minds, for the kid as well as our wallets. We only have 10 cloth diapers so I do end up doing laundry about every other day but our water bill is only $30. One package of disposable diapers is $28 and even if that includes 98 diapers, that can be gone in about 2 weeks. So paying $30 for all of our water needs monthly and then buying one package of Luvs every few months is really ideal for our family. It save us close to $60 a month.

We didn't shop around honestly. I had heard wonderful things about Fuzzibunz diapers and went ahead and ordered a three pack before the little man came along. We loved them right off the bat-- they are 'One Size Elites' so with all the snaps and the extra elastic they provide, they last forever. We have not changed any elastic but Andrew has been using them now for just about 16 months. And even after the close to 240 washings, they are holding up GREAT. Still have their color, are still soft, still function perfectly, absorb well and aren't stained. 

Though we have not tried other brands, I have heard great things about BumGenius, Little Monster, 'G', etc. We have just never felt the need to try anything different. 

We did have some trouble with leakage when Andrew was very small because his thighs were so thin there was a gap between his leg and the fabric, but pretty soon he plumped up a bit and they fit perfectly. Today he wears the legs on the loosest snap but still has a ways to go on the waist snaps. And if the legs get too snug, we have the extra elastics provided! They also come with two pads per diaper, one short one long. We used to just use the long ones but once he got bigger and started drinking more, we doubled up the pads in each diaper (one short, one long). While it seems a little bulky to the eye, it fits perfectly, is great for absorbing and let's face it, what baby doesn't look adorable with some "junk in the trunk"?!? Also, extra padding for all those falls, haha.

Another great aspect is the lack of chemical burns and diaper rashes. We noticed that Andrew gets diaper rashes very easily in disposables. And other than in extreme cases (like long period of time in the same diaper or sickness) he's never had rashes from the cloth diapers. 

All in all, we're very happy about the upsides for both us and our LO, and will definitely be ordering more Fuzzibunz next time around so we can be washing less, too!

Fuzzibunz are about $20 each, which can seem like a lot but it is a wonderful investment. Here is a breakdown of cost from their website.

Here is a link to buy their One Size Elite diapers if you want to check them out!

Well, that's all for now! TTFN! <3

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