
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Toddler Tales

Andrew, playing with the microwave for the millionth time.... I finally walk over, take his hand away and say "No. We do not play with the microwave."
He then yanks his arm away and replies, "Says who?"
I honestly had to take a moment to stifle a laugh and said "I say so!". He shoots me a look and walks away.

Driving to Granny's house, I see birds on the side of the street. I point and say "Look at the birds, buddy!", he says "Ooooooo".
I ask him if he can say the word 'birds', he says "Ummmm, no."

My hubby is addicted to Uberhumor and had recently seen this post, so as I'm getting out of the car one day, he decides to be funny and say "and dat butt, hot!"
Immediately from the back seat comes Andrew's little voice, "hot!"
*facepalm moment*

At Target one day Andrew keeps opening and closing the soda fridge. I start saying "No, no soda. We don't like soda. Yucky soda!" So he looks at me for a moment, opens the fridge and exclaims "YUCK!"

Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day!

Jesse had to work all weekend so munchkin and I were on our own. SO, I decorated while Andrew was sleeping and he woke up to decorations and pink heart shaped pancakes.

Later on we gave him a temporary tattoo, read new books, and then we decided to visit granny's house. We picked up a few things and headed over, played, had lunch, and made strawberry cake pops with whipped cream frosting- yum! 

After getting home, munchkin got to play with daddy a little, we grabbed Padfoot and walked to the mailboxes and back, and then had some dinner.

It was a fun, relaxing day with my little man and hubby and I get a weekend away next week with dinner and a huge oscar party, I can't wait! :-)
Hope you all had a fabulous, love-filled weekend!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Phase Two

So I caught some type of horrible bug at the state fair this past weekend... I'm still a mouth breather, surrounded by used tissues and this morning I needed to sit down halfway through cooking eggs. So, here's a post I had saved up ;)

Just after my mom moved into her new place, the kitchen/ dining area was the place I was most anxious to work on.... it was the messiest of messes.

In no particular order, here are the first 'improvements' we made:

A new large sized clock. Still don't know what to do with this nook area. My only thought is that we'd have to nail or screw something into place as it is well within munchkin reach...

One weekend my mother took Andrew for a sleepover and hubby and I painted until the wee hours of the morning so Andrew could have his room looking familiar again... we also converted his crib to a toddler bed and he got SO excited about it. He still loves flinging himself up there when it's time to sleep.

Got new curtains for the porch door (it came with the long blinds but Andrew broke a bunch of those at the last place so we had them taken down). After picking out a print we liked we were excited to see how well it went with the painting hung nearby!

This is from Christmas time... finally got the table moved into it's proper place. We hung our sconces and a random painting I had laying around. Hoping to put up a few paintings of wine bottle and vineyard scenes in the dining area.

Kitchen slowly coming together... p.s. Lime Chips go perfectly with my White Chicken Chili from my recipes page ;-P

Our bedroom was the hardest thing to tackle. We don't allow the little guy in our room often so we were hardly ever in there to make any progress. It ended up being finished the day before my in-laws arrived, whew!

Closet... it looks much, much worse now. Back to the drawing board for this one.

Almost there, kitchen.

We got a second Laiva Bookcase to match our original one. They are only $25 at IKEA and have worked great for us! The TV stand is from one of Jesse's fellow students at USF and the TV we got through Jesse's work on a payment plan. The guy practically had a heart attack when I agreed he could splurge on the 4k 55 inch "masterpiece" haha! Thank goodness for Black Friday deals too!

Those cords still bug me though...

Starting to get furniture arranged...

We put up these "bookshelves" (Bekvam Spice Rack - $3.99 each) in Andrew's room. He has since pulled them all out of the wall. Twice. SO off to go find drywall anchors... we plan to try to hunt down a cute little armchair to put here since we have a bookworm on our hands.

After perusing at Target and saying aloud "Who has $80 for a couch cover?!?" I turned around and went to Tuesday Morning where I found one. last. one. It unfortunately is for a loveseat so the side seams are a little wonky but hey. This was a $60 couch that I hope to replace this Spring and the cover cost $18. Worth it.

You may remember my "I promise this isn't blood" post explaining WHY we needed a cover... if not, here ya go.

I love this view. We lucked out. After being denied from our 1st choice we dashed around collecting brochures and this place had a first floor, wood panelled, conservation view, 2 bedroom available the very day we wanted it, $50 off per month and Jesse's work is a preferred employer. Score.

Photo wall in the entry way. We had the center one already so I printed off some photos online through Target... cost less than $2 and each frame cost under $5 at IKEA. Stuck them on with velcro strips and plan to update them every so often.

Pre-new TV and bookcase.....

Daddy and munchkin enjoying the new rug! (found here)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New addition to our home....

Introducing Padfoot! Our cute new terrier/dachshund/chihuahua mix puppy. Eight weeks old and the perfect playmate for the munchkin.

We'd been contemplating a pet for ages. Our last place charged a TON for pets so that always sort of soured us on the prospect but recently we started thinking about getting a puppy. Jesse always really wanted a cat but we both love dogs and thought a dog would be a better playmate for Andrew and would help me to remember to take long walks every day... I'm a hermit so I love just bumming around the house most days haha...

Here's how it went: I suddenly remembered a furniture sale commercial and asked Jesse if we should start looking for a new couch. He said yes so I began looking. A while later we had picked one out when I suddenly thought "Hey I should check Craigslist for puppies". Found 4 terrier mix puppies for really cheap, we looked up where they were, called about them, talked it over, called our office and out we went. We literally went from home, to the puppies, to PetCo, to the office (for pet fees and lease addendum) to home. And it's been pretty awesome.

Padfoot is laid back, spunky, a cuddler and seems to be a fast learner. Looking forward to all the great adventures he and Andrew will have together <3