
Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day!

Jesse had to work all weekend so munchkin and I were on our own. SO, I decorated while Andrew was sleeping and he woke up to decorations and pink heart shaped pancakes.

Later on we gave him a temporary tattoo, read new books, and then we decided to visit granny's house. We picked up a few things and headed over, played, had lunch, and made strawberry cake pops with whipped cream frosting- yum! 

After getting home, munchkin got to play with daddy a little, we grabbed Padfoot and walked to the mailboxes and back, and then had some dinner.

It was a fun, relaxing day with my little man and hubby and I get a weekend away next week with dinner and a huge oscar party, I can't wait! :-)
Hope you all had a fabulous, love-filled weekend!

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