
Monday, August 24, 2015

14 weeks

I mixed this up LOL 15 weeks is the size of an orange - 14 weeks is the size of a LEMON (just turned 15 weeks so I've got oranges on my brain apparently)

How far along?  14 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Negative 3 lbs last time I checked

Maternity clothes? Broke out those maternity leggings. The (last clean) pair of yoga pants I had put on one day were really uncomfortable because the waistband is tighter so I took the plunge and have worn them almost every day at home since haha

Sleep: Good, though as always if Jesse works overnight I have a terrible time getting to sleep. Definitely considering buying a pregnancy pillow this go around though.

Best moment this week:  Having a date night with hubby and remembering how comfy belly bands make my jeans haha

Have you told family and friends: Yes.

Miss Anything?  I woke up drooling over the thought of a turkey sandwich the other day. I don't care what you say, cooking the meat first is not the same.

Movement:  I'm pretty sure I'm feeling little pokes and flutters in there - usually right around when I'm settling down for the night.

Food cravings: Fried Pickles. OMG they're soooo good! And anything fruity.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smells of our washer, dishwasher and sinks.

Have you started to show yet: Yes

Gender prediction: I'm team boy, Jesse is team girl

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. I'm definitely feeling more energy which is really great too

Looking forward to: Finally getting in to see my new OB

Baby brother or sister is the size of a LEMON this week! :)

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