
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Finding the right OB

....When I first heard people talking about finding the 'right' OB, I always kind of shrugged and thought is it really that big of a deal? I saw one OB back in Minnesota with my first pregnancy and then after moving, was rotating between three doctors. The one I saw the most I was more comfortable with, but of course she was not available for delivering. And, I mean, when you're dealing with contractions and panicking and all that jazz, the thought of who was going to show up couldn't have been farther from my mind.

Now fast forward 2 1/2 years. The place I went when I was pregnant had closed, and my insurance had changed, so I ended up at a clinic near where we lived. I knew from the get-go that it was an odd place, but it wasn't until I started doing prenatal care there that I realized how much the place sucked.

The wait is always long, the nurses never know why you are there, they lay their equipment right on the counter, not on even a paper towel or anything (I made sure it was never a needle or anything). They also are terribly disorganized. One time I had to turn in a 24 hour urine collection and not only did they not know whose it was because they forgot to write my name on it, but they also almost forgot to take my blood and had to stop me and do it just before I left. 

Then they labeled me 'high risk' which I thought might have been because of my miscarriage but after I asked, the doctor said they have me labeled as a diabetic and that I'm still using alcohol. Did she remove either of those things after I firmly told her 'NO, those do not apply to me'? Nope. And then they lost my urine test results. Also, I have had three Ultrasounds and recently got a bill in the mail. Apparently my insurance does not cover those yet I was never made aware.

I have never been able to obtain the actual office's phone number, only the main office's. Their answering service is 100% useless and after some research, they have terrible reviews. Apparently just a month ago now a woman who was experiencing a miscarriage went in and they refused to treat her until she agreed to do all of her further care at that office. They agreed, but never went back.

Anyhoo, I did find a new place that looks better and just talking to the OB nurse makes me feel much better, but I have to be approved before I can go there. So now I am playing the waiting game. Fingers crossed I am approved and can get in there soon!

Long story short? I totally get the statement now that you need to find an OB you are comfortable with, and I couldn't agree more. :)


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