
Monday, August 10, 2015

"Lazy Parenting"

Anybody else immediately panic when you read that kind of a title and wonder if you're going to read on and discover you're the worst parent ever? No? Just me? Okay.

Those were my thoughts when I saw this article on Facebook the other day.

And I feel so much better about life now. It's hard to not feel self-conscious about your parenting skills when you see those perfect Pinterest moms making their own play-doh every day and doing all these activities and stuff.... my kid is an independent soul. I try to play with him but once he's done, he leaves. And it's EXACTLY like I was as a kid. I just wanted to play on my own. I wasn't opposed to playing with others but when I wanted to do something else, I did. 
Andrew plays with his trains and trucks and books and blocks all day long. And while he runs up to me from time to time to show me something or 'talk' or have a cuddle (which I gladly indulge in), he ultimately leaves after a few moments to go do his own thing. It can make me feel like a bad mom but he's a happy, confident little boy. He's growing up to be very strong willed and independent and I kind of love it. So as long as he is happy, we will continue what we are doing :)

Just for giggles ;)

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