This past weekend, hubby and I headed up to a small town in Georgia for a friend's wedding. It was a lot of fun, some nice alone time with hubby and helped my wanderlust urges a bit ;) Along with the wedding, we explored Savannah a bit - Wormsloe Historic Site, Bonaventure Cemetery, the Davenport House, and The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Here are some pics!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
19 weeks!!
How far along? 19.5 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Last time I was weighed I had lost 4 lbs so far. Morning sickness was rough, but I've been feeling much better lately so I'm sure that number will be up at my next appointment ;)
Maternity clothes? Yup! Loving Maternity jeans, shorts, leggings, etc.
Stretch Marks? No new ones yet
Sleep: Pretty good
Best moment this week: So far it is just getting to see Jesse and Andrew play together and watching Jesse's reactions to feeling baby move. Again, anytime he talks to baby he gets a bunch of kicks haha. I am loving feeling all the movement too. I know that in a couple months it's going to get a bit painful at times so I'm enjoying these light kicks as much as possible :)
Worst moments this week: Plans going awry
Miss Anything? Lunch meat, hard cider, laying on my stomach...
Movement: Yes! I do occasionally feel random movements throughout the day but mostly when I'm laying down before or after a nap or sleeping in the evening. Lots of kicks and movement.
Food cravings: Sweet things and fruity things. I now have a small bag of mini starbursts in the pantry because they are SO good. I think it's been years since I last had those, haha. Also still really loving dairy which is crazy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just smells.
Have you started to show yet: Indeed I have.
Gender prediction: I'm now on the fence about this one. Jesse still says girl.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In but definitely a bit on the shallow side.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. I'm so thankful every day that I get to experience pregnancy again. It may not be the most comfortable thing ever but it's definitely a blessing!
Looking forward to: The anatomy scan! It is 2 weeks from today. Also, a small road trip with hubby this weekend :)
Monday, September 21, 2015
Addicted to Old Navy.
But seriously though. Can we take a moment to appreciate this:
I've seen it about 20 times and still I laugh at it. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is hilarious in these commercials!
Hokay, back to the point, I should not be signed up for Old Navy emails. They always, ALWAYS have amazing deals going on. I just snagged a super cute pair of distressed boyfriend maternity jeans for a little over half off and a super comfy dress for under $8. BUT before that, they had their kids and baby sale... and I had a coupon... and some super cash (which by the way they are giving out right now - $10 for every $25 you spend!)
So anyhoo, I obviously needed to stock up on a few items for Andrew. I lingered for a few moments in the baby section but I need to at least wait until we know if we're having a boy or girl to buy anything, right? That's what convinced me to walk away anyways.
Here are the items I got for the little man. His 3T clothes are getting a bit snug and believe it or not in a bit here even Florida is going to be on the cooler side, so I got some "winter" clothes. I also usually take advantage of the after Christmas deals to stock up on his summer clothes as well!
...I'll need to get him a few more tops (especially since he rarely gets put in pants at home) and we need a new pair of dress shoes as well, and probably a pair of sneakers - he doesn't fit in to any of his current shoes other than his sandals. Hmmm maybe when Payless has another BOGO promotion I will have to take advantage of that ;)
Well, TTFN <3
Oh and P.s. If you haven't already signed up for, you really should. You get money back for all your online shopping - even car rentals, hotels, airfare, etc! It's free to join AND they list coupons for every store you shop at :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
18 weeks
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Negative 4 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Exclusively in maternity pants. I keep trying to wear regular pants but it’s just too uncomfortable.
Stretch Marks? No new ones
Sleep: Bad over last weekend. Jesse’s been working and my back has been really messed up so it’s been rough. Now, however, I’m sleeping like a rock until the early morning when I have to get up for a bathroom break.
Best moment this week: Spending time with my boys :)
Worst moments this week: Morning sickness making a swift and brutal comeback.
Miss Anything? LUNCH MEAT. And Woodchuck cider. And lying on my stomach.
Movement: Flips, flutters, pokes, etc. a few times a day. And felt actual, discernable kicks the other day! Jesse even got to feel a few!
Food cravings: Fruit and sweet things. Oh, and burgers.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells, heavy food and V8 fusion juice.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes indeed.
Gender prediction: I’m still team boy but beginning to wonder with all this nausea lol
Labor signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, though I cry at least once a day over any number of reasons.
Looking forward to: Mine and Jesse’s road trip for a wedding later this month and the 20 week anatomy scan!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Munchkin is just about 2.75 years old, and changing SO quickly, it's crazy!
Andrew is such a sweet little man. The other night I asked him if he was ready for bed. He says “Bed?” and runs for his bedroom. Once inside he went straight to his changing pad and laid down for me to change him and get him in PJs. Then afterwards, he puts his wipes and basket of diapers away in the closet, grabs the book he wants to read and climbs into bed. After we are done reading, he turns onto his side and pulls the blanket over his face and we say ‘night night’.
He is so helpful in the grocery store and at home – he loves to help put groceries into the cart and load them onto the conveyor belt when we check out. He is very good at putting all his dishes in the sink once he’s finished eating his meals, sometimes even before we ask him.
We still do 1/3 juice 2/3 water ratio in his juice at lunchtime and we just realized that he thinks juice comes out of the faucet. I put some apple juice in his cup the other day and he ran to the faucet, pointed at it and said “more juice?” He has had straight juice before but we try to avoid it as much as possible.
He loves to help pour his milk- helping to open the fridge, take out the milk, hold the cap, put it back and shut the fridge. He will pick up legos and put them in their bag if we ask him to clean up, and he LOVES to help cook. In the mornings when I make pancakes or muffins or something like that I let him pour in the measured ingredients and help stir and he gets absolutely giddy.
The obsession with trucks and trains is just strengthening as he gets older. We need to take him for a train ride again one of these days methinks. He points out the window and yells “truck” when we pass one in the car, sometimes also yelling the color (“RED TRUCK!”) and then “Where’d it go?” if we pass it or it turns or something.
His vocal skills are getting better and better. There are a few base words that he always uses correctly and well but there are some times where he points at something and says “Sss” or some nonsense and we both walk away frustrated, which sucks, but it’s definitely happening less and less.
Potty training is going nowhere real fast and I’ve learned to accept it. He has once or twice said “potty” and run to his potty chair and used it, but mostly if we try to get him to go he just thrashes and cries so we’re just going to have to let him do it on his own time.
And lastly, as far as picky eating goes, he’s definitely picky. Veggies tend not to go down well whatsoever so I hide them in smoothies, yogurt pops, pancakes….wherever I can. Otherwise, he eats the same meals we do and try to make him at least taste everything but we mainly have a “eat or don’t eat” motto. He gets ample time where we leave his food out if he didn’t eat it with everything else (he always has at least one item he'll eat) but if he refuses to touch it, he doesn’t get anything else. And he never complains or cries when it goes away, nor does he say he’s hungry at all before bed so he’s just fine.
As I’ve said with almost every stage, this age is so much fun! He’s getting so playful, talkative, showing more personality, being way more social, and we’ve just really been loving it. So excited to see him as a big brother <3
little man,
the first,
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
17 weeks!!
How I look before 8 am...uuuggghhh haha |
How far along? 17 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Lost another pound! So far I am 4 months in and negative 4 pounds lol. Morning sickness got the best of me I guess
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, I am loving the maternity leggings, shorts and yoga pants! So comfy!
Stretch Marks? No new ones that I've noticed.
Sleep: Good.
Best moment this week: Going to an OB appointment! I love it there! And getting a doppler device which allowed us to hear the little one's heartbeat <3
Worst moments this week: The little man getting sick :(
Miss Anything? REALLY wanting a beer! And lunch meat. Oh man, Jesse's going to be grabbing me a big old sandwich as soon as little one is born at this rate lol!
Movement: Pokes, flutters and big rolls.
Food cravings: Burgers, fruit and coffee. I only have maybe one coffee a week but I definitely crave it most mornings.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender prediction: I'm team boy, Jesse is team girl.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: The 20 week anatomy scan!
17 weeks,
the second,
Monday, September 7, 2015
Munchkin is sick! :(
...and my pregnant self is not handling it well.
Having a sick toddler is the worst. It’s always crazy messy, you feel terrible for the poor little kid, and it’s just highly unpleasant. The only thing worse is being pregnant with a superhuman nose and quick gag reflex with a sick toddler.
Poor Andrew has some kind of stomach bug going on right now. Friday I woke him up from his nap to find his bed covered in throw-up. It took all my will power to strip the bed and throw everything in the wash without throwing up myself. Once that was done I threw lavender oil on his bare mattress, changed his clothes, cleaned him off and washed our hands about 5 times. He seemed fine for a few hours after that but then threw up twice in a row about 2 hours after dinner. I immediately held my breath and went to go hold the crying little man and then created a mantra to help me clean up. It was rough.
Thankfully my mom was able to come over and help me with him – she also brought some Pedialyte for him to drink which helped quite a bit, I think. Saturday and Sunday he was perfectly fine – no weirdness, no throwing up, nothing.
Monday morning, I entered his room to find diarrhea everywhere. Thankfully Jesse was home and able to help me. He cleaned up the bed and floor, bathed Andrew and got him dressed as well as doing the laundry and staying up to continue changing Andrew. He is the bestest.
Andrew had some probiotics in his milk this morning and is currently sucking on another bottle of Pedialyte so fingers crossed that whatever this is goes away fast!
I’m so happy to be pregnant but it’s frustrating to be so “fragile” sometimes. Oh well. This too shall pass :) Just hoping the little guy feels better soon - it sucks big time when your kid is sick and you can't do much about it.
Being sick means cartoons in mommy and daddy's bed |
Saturday morning |
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
16 weeks ♡
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Last I knew, down 3 lbs
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. And soooo comfy :)
Stretch Marks? Still have 'em, yup!
Sleep: Okay, lately I've been waking up with a sore neck which leads to a headache later in the day though :-/
Best moment this week: So far, it's been taking Andrew to the Children's Museum and planning a trip to the zoo.
Worst moments this week: Finding out that I may either have to choose between an OB I feel really uncomfortable with or having no prenatal care at all.
Miss Anything? Lunch meat, sushi, hard cider, lying on my stomach, beer, not being tired all the time...
Movement: Maybe one poke here and there but definitely not noticing much.
Food cravings: Fried pickles but even that has been calming down. Peanut butter M&Ms and Airheads always sound delicious though haha
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells. My motion sickness is worse than usual as well
Have you started to show yet: Yup!
Gender prediction: I still think boy
Labor signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Even yesterday which was a horrible day, getting to spend it with Andrew and watching him play and everything put me in a much better mood.
Looking forward to: Figuring out the OB situation. We have three possible routes though none of them are likely going to work. Just need to start praying and stop worrying and just trust that something, somehow will work out.
16 weeks,
the second,
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