
Friday, October 2, 2015

20 weeks/ 5 months!

How far along?  20.5 weeks :)

Total weight gain/loss:  Last time I checked, still down 4 lbs

Maternity clothes?  Yup, most of my wardrobe is now maternity wear, though I am trying to use my regular shirts as long as possible. Some are already not working out so well though haha

Stretch Marks?  No new ones

Sleep:  Good!

Best moment this week:  Just spending time with my boys and feeling baby kick more and more. 

Worst moments this week:  Severe back pain over the weekend/ during our road trip and how crappy I feel when I overdo it.

Miss Anything?  LUNCH MEAT. Oh goodness, I could eat about 10 hoagie sandwiches right now and probably still want more. And I’m not a huge lunch meat eater usually.

Movement:  Yes! Lots and lots of little kicks. Other than baby kicking my round ligament on the trip, they don’t hurt, just feel a bit like popcorn popping in my belly haha. Also, some flips and maybe punches? 

Food cravings:  Burgers, fruit, milk, sweets

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just the smells of things. Funnily enough, though most of the things I think smell bad smell fine to hubby, the other day at Target I could smell raspberries when Jesse just smelt gasoline lol! P.s. We picked up raspberries there hehe

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah.

Gender prediction:  I’m totally torn at this point. Jesse is still totally team girl. Only five more days until we find out!

Labor signs:  Nope

Belly Button in or out?  In but quite shallow. I’m thinking I’m going to end up with an outie this go around. Baby likes to hang out right in the front of my stomach when I’ve been moving around a lot and those times when I sit or stand my belly button is almost flat haha

Wedding rings on or off?  On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, though I do still cry almost every day. Well, I think I also can get annoyed pretty fast… you’ll have to ask hubby haha

Looking forward to:  The Ultrasound! My mama is helping us out a ton by watching Andrew while we go to my appointment – luckily I can do my glucose test at the same time as the anatomy scan which is really great; looking forward to having that over with (the glucose test that is).

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