
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

21 weeks

How far along?  21.5 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss:  I'm now only one lb below my original weight so have gained 3 lbs in the past month lol

Maternity clothes?  Yes, and I’m loving them! Especially this pair of yoga pants I got from Target – you can find them here.

Stretch Marks?  No new ones so far *knock on wood*

Sleep:  Pretty good, when Jesse’s home at least. Otherwise I tend to wake up every few hours.

Best moment this week:  So far it’s been decorating, all the pumpkin goodness and getting munchkin registered for music class and taking him to the museum :)

Worst moments this week:  Heartburn is already hitting me pretty hard and I am not a fan lol

Miss Anything?  LUNCH MEAT. I doubt this is going to change anytime soon. Sushi also sounds delicious and I’m looking forward to some Woodchuck Cider this Spring haha

Movement:  Yes! Lots of kicks, almost all of them in the same spot – my lower left side. Though I sometimes feel some little movements on my upper right side (perhaps punches?) Looking forward to seeing what he’s doing in there when we get the Ultrasound!

Food cravings:  Fruit, sweets and milk.

Anything making you queasy or sick: So far just smells, V8 Fusion juice and heartburn.

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes indeed!

Gender prediction:  I’m still torn. I used to think for sure it was a boy but I think so many people are thinking ‘girl’ it’s confusing me, haha! Jesse is still sure it’s a girl (probably wishful thinking on his part). We’d both adore to have a little girl but I also absolutely love the idea of Andrew having a little brother to play with so I know I’m going to be happy either way.

Labor signs:  Nope

Belly Button in or out?  Still in but often very shallow or nearly flat depending on how far forward baby is hanging out.

Wedding rings on or off?  On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! I have this renewed sense of love and awe for Andrew. I could just sit and stare at him all day. And as for baby, I smile every time I feel a little kick (well, maybe except for when he or she kicks me in the round ligament haha)

Looking forward to:  The Ultrasound! It’s TODAY!! We’ll be putting the gender reveal together tonight and will have a post up on here about it on Friday!

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