
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1 week old

...and prolly feeling like a zoo animal with how much we sit and stare at him, haha! We are so enjoying parenthood and being near our little guy- definitely seems like perfection to us :)

Funniest face: Either his scrunched up "what are you doing?" face, or when he is looking for food and he opens his mouth (with eyes still closed peacefully) and raises his eyebrows hehe

Biggest achievement: It is INSANE how much neck muscle he already is showing!! Anytime he is laying on one of our chests he pushes his head up and holds it for as long as he can (usually several seconds) and will turn it, look around, etc before lowering it. He also loves head bopping us which I'm guessing is when the neck muscles rebel and give out haha! He also is already beginning to start the rolling over process-- yikes!! If you put him on the bed on his back he will get almost onto his side before falling back and if tummy down on your chest, he rolls onto his side pretty easily... Once I was holding him in front of me and he stretched his legs down so they were almost straight and I tried to bring him down a bit... and he actually took a little weight... I freaked out a bit and lifted him up right away which made him bring his feet up lol! I feel like we may have to deal with more than I thought quicker than we thought haha....

Favorite moment: Either watching his face while pooping, his head-bopping when laying on your chest, feeling him grip/hug your shoulder or watching his face as he sleeps. Also, nothing in the world beats just holding his soft little body <3

Height/length: 22 1/2 inches

What we've learned so far:
-He doesn't fuss nearly as much (if at all) when you change him if you just change his diaper on a schedule rather than wait until he lets you know he is uncomfortable... prolly a d'oh thing but hey we got it now lol
-Nap Nannies are miracle workers!!
-You aren't SUPPOSED to use a pacifier for the first while but after already occasionally feeding him from storage bottles, him doing just fine with the breast feeding and seeing a newborn sucking on one in the hospital on "A Baby Story" on TLC (yeah I know, I know... SUPER legit source, right?? LOL), we figured sometimes he just needs the comfort. It's either that or feed him for about 2 or 3 minutes until he falls asleep...
-The vibration setting on the pack and play rocks my socks right off
-Baby farts are possibly the cutest, funniest things ever :)
-your pinky finger makes a great substitution for the pacifier... we weren't sure if we just made that up out of desperation one day or not but when the pediatrician did it to keep him calm we sneaked a sheepish grin at each other happy that it wasn't just us haha!
-Laundry once a day is a must. Something either gets peed on or spilled on or leaked through.. same goes for dishes- particularly the breast pump.
-Couldn't be more thankful for the pack and play. I literally just have to sit on the edge of my side of the bed and lean over to reach him. SO convenient.
-IB Profun is a new mother's best friend-- as is the insulated water jug you get from the hospital!
-Air drying before putting on cream after feeding really DOES make a world of difference.
-A three ring binder full of page protected documents for baby is soooo helpful. Especially when you go in for things and need to bring a ton of stuff... it's all in there :)
-Boppy pillow is a must-have!! SO nice for feedings!!!

Well it has been a busy week! After getting home from the hospital we had some good down time which was very nice! Monday morning we had baby's first pediatrician appointment. It went very well,  baby was declared healthy and almost back to his birth weight. The doctor gave us a list of vaccinations that we are going to research to see which we actually want him to receive, and he also sent us to the hospital to get another Bilirubin test since baby still looked a bit yellowish. We did find out he is in the clear which is great and we will get more confirmation at his next appointment which is Monday.

Tuesday Jesse worked a double so I tried to get up throughout the night so he could get a bit of sleep which of course left me absolutely exhausted by 7am. Baby slept for three hours and then after a feeding and diaper change, he began fussing enough that I gave up and did a no-no: I arranged the pillows and comforter to block in three sides of a doubled up baby blanket, bundled Andrew up, covered him with a blanket, gave him the pacifier, then laid next to him with my arm wrapped around and cradling his head before passing out for almost 5 hours. I woke up and baby was still sleeping peacefully so I sneakily got up, blocked him in with pillows and quickly ran around doing some very quick things (keeping a very close eye on him) before waking him up for a change and feeding. It was a miraculous event haha :) The rest of the day went great-- we just hung out and he didn't fuss nearly as much. Then granny baby-sat for a while in the evening while I took a shower/ bath, dressed, did laundry, loaded the dishwasher, searched for and found storage bags and AVENT bottle coupons, did research about where to purchase a few items and pumped a bit. Then after a feeding baby napped on my chest until daddy came home and stole the baby from me lol

Today I took baby into the living room early to give Jesse 5 hours of baby-free sleep, and then mama got a short nap in the afternoon. We've literally just been lounging in the living room with the ANTM marathon going in the background hehe

Tomorrow we have to pick up some paperwork, and signing up for something called 'Healthy Start', we have a WIC appointment for baby, and then have a newborn photo session scheduled for the afternoon... it's gonna be a full day!!

We are both doing well, I like to think we are adjusting well. I am still not letting myself get enough sleep because I'm silly and Jesse stresses out a bit but otherwise we're doing well. Health-wise I'm doing okay. Sorry if this is TMI but I nearly had a heart attack when I had one of the large clots they warn you about but after talking to my OB I feel much better and sounds like I'm just fine, I just need to start being a bit more active. The stitched pull sometimes which is a bit uncomfortable but not painful. The afterbirth cramps are nearly gone, I'm baffled at how quickly my tummy is shrinking, and now that I am pumping my chest-area is doing much better-- the first few days I could hardly keep from slouching cuz I wasn't used to the weight haha!

Well, more next week! I cannot believe how fast this week has gone!! I am already sad thinking that those precious days have slipped by so unbelievably quickly but looking forward to the days to come as well. It is amazing how much I look forward to every moment with Andrew. My heart is so overwhelmingly full of love and I'm close to bursting with happiness most of every day. I feel so complete being a mother <3 Jesse and I prolly talk about how cute he is 20 plus times a day, jump at the chance when we ask if the other wants to hold/ cuddle him, and we have already had moments where we refuse to give him up (I am the more guilty on this charge lol). Parenthood is treating us great thus far and we're excited/ looking forward to each new day learning and growing along with baby :)

TTFN! <3

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