
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Living with a three-week old

"A wail. s a wail is a wail…well, not really. Your baby has a whole repertoire of cries that mean a variety of things from "feed me" to "hold me" to "get this big poop out of my diaper!" And once you learn how to decode baby cries, life will get easier for the both of you. What else is up? Spit-up for one thing and probably some pretty explosive sounds coming from the tush region as baby's digestive system kicks into high gear. And speaking of that adorable butt, be prepared for some colorful diaper rashes. You might be considering the pros and cons of the pacifier about now (your call, Mom) and wondering when you can take your little one out for a stroll (and how to dress him once you do). In brain-related news, your baby is ready for more complex shapes (bye-bye circles, hello zigzags!) as his vision, ability to focus, and concentration improve rapidly. He might be really digging his mobile now or a soft toy waved in front of his face. As for Mom, you might dig a deep massage right now as the combination of your stretched-out tummy muscles and hormonally loosened ligaments are causing some seriousback pain. It takes time to get your body back on track, but there are things you can do to help the process (and ease back soreness) right now, including minding your posture (sit up straight!)"

First off can I just say it is SO funny how much motherhood changes you... I know, everyone says it-- it shouldn't be a surprise but seriously. The other day we were at the hot tub and the mosquitoes got kinda bad... As we were leaving I saw one land on Andrew's face and flipped OUT. Lol, I told Jesse later that I had a surge of anger and wanted to "karate-chop that mofo".... hehe. But also the amount of thoughts that run through my head about people hurting him or things happening to him are staggering. And they all make me see red for a moment or two lol...

This past week we had some company! Jesse's parents came down for a few days to meet baby and have a break from the 20 below weather up north (certainly do NOT miss that). We visited the zoo, Maderia beach, St. Petersburg pier, Medieval Times, and the aquarium-- it was exhausting but a lot of fun, and so great to see them! Baby definitely enjoyed being in their arms and seemed to enjoy the carseat and stroller-induced naps haha ;-P

New development: baby has moved to his crib!! Last week we moved him from the pack and play in our room to the crib in his room. The first night he slept there about 30 minutes total. The second night about 3 hours or so and it's been getting better and better every night. Today for instance he's been in there almost 12 hours! Minus feedings and changings and one short break when he came to our room to cuddle him back to sleep this morning :) It was so hard getting used to him not sleeping in our room! Also we got into a very bad pattern of co-sleeping when he would be really fussy so we've stopped that as well. That was especially hard-- he is so cuddly and warm and is so calm when sleeping in bed with us... but it's dangerous for him and also is encouraging bad habits so we bit the bullet lol.

At the last appointment baby was another half inch longer and he is officially over 9 lbs now! He hiccups probably once a day... poor guy will look so confused for a while and wakes himself up with them and then after awhile he'll begin crying :( He also sneezes in twos a few times a day which is adorable.

We have begun using our fuzzibunz diapers more religiously now and they are working great! No leaking, they get nice and clean in the laundry and are pretty easy to prep for the wash as well. They look HUMONGOUS on him but I'm loving them! Baby is using the pacifier pretty often now, we started because of the hiccups but are using it for whenever he is being fussy for no reason and won't calm down. He also is taking bottles great (even from me) which is fantastic!

Still working on rolling, lifting his head like a champ, and sitting and standing is being worked on. When I am burping him he will straighten his back all the way and hold himself up really well-- his neck/ head throw him off balance after a few seconds though haha. He is taking quite a bit of weight on his legs too. He is smiling, curiously looking around at the world, working on crawling and just barely starting to use his hands. he also figured out a way to get his pacifier back into his mouth when he spits it out haha. He is awake a lot more during the daytime as well.

As for me, I am taking IB Profun much less which is really nice. Still some soreness and certain things still aggravate the stitches/ area but good for the most part! Having some back pain recently from slouching, etc... I need to work on that lol. I cannot WAIT to get past the six weeks so I can start working out, stretching and swimming again!!! Very pleased with how fast my tummy is shrinking-- breastfeeding really does work wonders with that lol. I also think it's funny how my appetite has changed so dramatically. The last few weeks of pregnancy I was hungry alllll the time, and now it's pretty rare I get hungry at all.I tend to have small snacks and then once or twice a day realize I need to have a legitimate meal. While my in-laws were here it was nice because we just automatically ate meals. Best we've eaten since the hospital haha!

Hoping to go on more walks and errands with baby, and looking forward to more sightseeing next month sometime!

Well, baby is awake, time for some cuddlin' :)
TTFN! <3

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