
Thursday, February 7, 2013

One month old Andrew ♥

"Those adorable grunts, gurgles, and coos are her way of chatting about what's going on in her world, and the best way to encourage more communication is to keep the conversation going. (Don't be surprised if you hear plenty of sneezes and hiccups as well — both very common in infants.) At this age, your baby is ready for supervised tummy time, a position that'll allow her to practice important motor skills (like lifting that big noggin, even for a few seconds at a time). She'll also discover her best built-in toys about now — her fingers and toes, which are not only entertaining but potentially comforting as well (thumbsuckers, rejoice!). Also worth rejoicing over: You're an old pro by now at this baby-care thing — who knew it would happen so quickly?"

Well not much new since last week-- baby is still doing well... at his one month check-up he was 23 1/2 inches and 10lbs 8oz!! Doc says he is growing great, everything else is doing well and we are currently researching which vaccinations we want him to get after his two-month appointment.

As far as life at home, not much is new there either. He is still expressive, rolling onto his back, testing out his legs and neck, etc. He is awake a lot more often now, looking around the room curiously and whining when we aren't interacting with him often enough, haha! I try to get him to use his grip, react to rattles or noisy toys, give him a bit of silk to hold or something else textural, play music or sing, talk to him, move him around, etc. when he gets those patches of boredom.

His feedings are down to every four hours now rather than 3 which apparently is right on track. He also sleeps 5 or 6 hours once to twice a day which is great for our sleep-deprived minds as well haha :) We ordered more fuzzibunz diapers...they should be arriving at the beginning of next week. SO thankful baby hasn't gotten hit with diaper rash yet (knock on wood), but we are pretty careful to change him routinely or anyttime he is complaining... we also use diaper cream or baby powder with almost every change-- the cloth diapers help a lot too.

We had previously worried about what looked like some allergic reaction a while back... turns out newborns get acne from sleeping on a side of their face, and it goes away eventually. We also have been worried lately about if his eyesight is developing. He reacts to loud noises, but is slower to look at us when we talk or look towards the cause of a loud noise so we asked the doc about it. Apparently there isn't a great way to tell yet but his eyes are reacting properly and his mini-eye examine went great so methinks he'll be just fine.

NEWSFLASH-- I never knew there were washable nursing pads out there.... that might be super silly but I didn't. Just discovered it yesterday at Babies R Us and am excited to buy a pack. I'm almost through 2 boxes already so I would gladly embrace saving money on disposables! We are also starting to look into reusable wipes. We have a surplus of the disposables still but again would love to save money by just reusing cloth wipes.

Welllll, I think that is all for now, off to go play with baby more :)
TTFN! <3

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