
Thursday, January 14, 2016

35 weeks and counting!

 How far along?  35.5 weeks!

Total weight gain: 9 lbs! My appetite has come back full force over the past week or so haha

Maternity clothes?  Yes indeedy.

Stretch Marks?  I *think* I’m getting one or two tiny ones above my belly button but not 100% sure. It might be the lighting in our bathroom. It’s hard to tell haha

Sleep:  Good! Sleeping like a rock and often pass out in bed with lights on (and even sometimes my glasses still on, oops)

Best moment this week:  Hearing that baby girl is doing well and I didn’t overdo it too much during moving and stuff.

Worst moments this week:  Starting to really be getting uncomfortable and baby girl is apparently a black belt in karate already so my belly feels like I’ve done a million sit-ups (LOL) and should be bruised.

Miss Anything?  Hard cider and sushi. This really doesn’t change, haha. Just also wishing I could have regular old lunchmeat and not having acid reflux. Also lying on my stomach. And being able to get comfortable, haha.

Movement:  SO MANY JABS. She is super active and super strong. I can also feel her when she tries (not sure if she succeeds) to turn upside down in my belly – the center of my stomach gets flat and the sides stick way out. She usually is head down but I have noticed a couple instances when she’s been head up. Oh and occasional hiccups.

Food cravings:  Fruit. Like crazy. I can easily eat an orange every day. I try to share a few pieces with Andrew though ;) Otherwise a burger always sounds good.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Acid Reflux and smells.

Gender:  Girl!

Labor signs:  I’ve been trying to take it really easy and haven’t really had any cramping the past day or two which is good.

Symptoms: Discomfort, frequent trips to the restroom, sore hips and back, muscle cramps, fatigue, acid reflux, and sore ligaments.

Belly Button in or out?  Mostly flat, a little bit out.

Wedding rings on or off?  On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: I’d say I’m mostly happy but definitely lose my temper or cry pretty easily.

Looking forward to:  Hopefully (fingers crossed) starting to order things for baby next week. SO looking forward to having Andrew’s room and the nursery completed, get the rest of our boxes taken care of and Jesse’s birthday on the 26th!

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